BTW, family news in BOLD below...
Where to begin with thoughts swirling in my head? Here are some Jenn quotes to start you off:
I feel like I'm "viewing the world again with my eyes open".
"Being alone does not make me lonely; being with people does."
And an interesting fact:
Between November 20 and December 26 (5 weeks), I slept for at least a week in each of the 4 time zones in the US. I'm crazy!
So here I am, in the Phoenix airport traveling back home to Austin. Definitely going home. Arizona isn't my home anymore. It feels a bit foreign. Ah, the desert is beautiful though. But this particular desert is very spread out, and very dry. Those are the parts I dislike a lot. My face started flaking even though I lotioned it twice a day. And the space seems like such a waste after New York! Intersections with 5 lanes going each way that it takes 5 minutes to get through. Maybe because I was staying in Paradise Valley and driving down to Chandler pretty often did I notice how spread out this city really is. But geez man! But oh the mountains are pretty, and the sun shines very bright. But did you know temperatures are colder in the desert? Sure, it's warmer, but I swear because of the lack of moisture in the air, 70 in the desert really does warrant a jacket whereas in New York it didn't.
So, I spent from Wednesday night to Sunday afternoon in Phoenix, staying with my Grandpa's cousin (who is really cool), visiting some high school friends, and spending time with my Dad (aka his wife's family). I had fun. I exercised everyday and ate well. I saw my friends new baby - a 5 day old! I had lunch with my old friend. I went on a walk with a 10 month old. I went bowling and got my best score (if my memory serves): 138! Although the bumpers helped :-). Yeah, so quiet, but fun. I loved the morning ritual at Jonae's house: a bowl of cut up fruit and nuts and raisins with fresh orange (from their tree) juice squeezed on.
Then Sunday afternoon to Thursday afternoon was spent in Tucson (with the long, familiar drive in between the 2 cities) with my brother and his wife. Met up with Mom and Bruce as well. And I sorta explicitly didn't want to be a tourist here - just wanted to be with family. In Tucson we played with the dog Boo a lot (center of Matt and Toni's universe), hiked up Sabino Canyon, played games, ate, did presents, went to the Pima Air and Space Museum to see old planes (cool), saw a movie - "I Am Legend" which was a bit disappointing, and played on the Wii!! I tried tennis, bowling, the bunny dance game, the new Mario game, and DDR! Good fun. The neat thing about this visit also was that
Ok, so his wife is pregnant and due July 10th, 2008!! I can't believe it. :-). I can, but I can't too - my brother said he'd never have kids. But it'll be super exciting for them, and for the family!
So, I feel like I'm re-experiencing the world now with my eyes open. Don't particularly remember my eyes being closed before, but I feel so much more aware, so much more like I'm gathering knowledge. I am understanding family members more, and thus myself more. I understand a few more dimensions of my parents now that I spent some time with them. And it was really interesting to see my brother and his wife interact. They are really good together - a good pair, despite some of my brother's oddities :-). And I saw Jonae and Don - my grandfather's cousin and her husband. They are also very good together, although very different people. It was cute to see them interact, and have each of them fulfill their particular duties of the relationship. And know the failings of each other, but deal with them well. So I came up with this way of thinking of things: realms. Everyone lives in their own realm. And I have been traveling between other people's realms and discovering their cultures. The cultures of houses, of people-units. I go to my friend's houses, and I'm let into their world. And I experience that - what they have in the fridge, what entertainment they choose to participate in. Their sphere of life. They let me in to experience their realm, and I gather information. How people interact, expectations, norms. You can glean a lot from staying with people. And not all of it can be put into words - it's just an understanding. And you can use that understanding to interact better with these people. But sometimes it's elucidates things about yourself too - your own norms or differences. I have some baseline realm, but mine is floating. Mine involves exercise everyday and reading before I go to bed. But as far as a home realm - I don't feel I have one. And I want one. I love gathering knowledge, but I'm tired now. I want my own sphere, my own comfort zone. Wouldn't it be nice if I could invite people over to my home? They could experience my norms? Learn about me? But right now - I'm the nomad, the adaptive one. I go out, seeking things for myself. But seldom do people come in. I miss a realm. And while I have my own cultures and things I like to do, one of my primary things it making other people happy. So, my realm at its best involves another person to help form it. I miss it. I don't want to just experience other people's realms. I want my own. And, through the end of Manhattan and even now... I have this sense of waiting. I'm waiting for my life to really begin. I'm in an interim - just filling time. Waiting... Waiting is tiring.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
So, I do intend to continue blogging, but it might be more sparse. Maybe I should blog more often and with fewer words, but my style tends to be deep and verbose instead. We will see.
So... I am back in Austin. My HOME. I cannot tell you what that has meant to me - what I have discovered that means to me because I spent so long away from it. Although I can feel isolated (see later paragraphs), I am not really alone here. I MATTER here. People care about me. People smile to see me, notice when I'm sad, notice when I'm gone. I have a family here, although no one I'm related to. I feel very close to people, and it's getting closer and I love it. Just warmth, goodness. I need a new word - something like pervasive love, but not romantic love, just people love. Damn the English language not having more words for love :-).
So, I have done some wonderful things these last 2 weeks back. I won't tell you about all of them - now I'm going to focus on feelings. But suffice it to say that I ate very few meals alone. Friends are awesome. I did the several things I really wanted to do upon coming back to Austin - hike, haircut, massage, and the Trail of Lights in Zilker Park. I continue to swim, and now a mile isn't so tough - it's the normal workout :-). I took my bike for a spin last weekend up and down Shoal Creek which was fun despite the whipping cold wind. And I played tennis this morning with Mike which was awesome and I am really going to get back into tennis now (that's the plan). I'm BACK, in short, and having fun!
But... more about self discovery. I've been doing a lot of talking with friends. Deep talking. A few of us came to the conclusion that to be close to people, you have to expose your vulnerabilities to them. Really. What drives people to be close in general? What makes 2 friends best friends? What makes relationship partners so intimate? Exposing some part of yourself - showing your vulnerabilities, your under belly. You share your secrets, things you worry about. Sure, there's some amount of shared experiences, too, but these serve to exhibit your good and bad qualities to your friends more. So, how do you make close friends? You have to open up - open yourself up and share something deep with them, something maybe a little scary or embarrassing. Then, they usually respond and know more about you, and open up in kind. So I've been having this more deeper talks with friends. And, while it's sometimes exhausting - sort of like a relationship - it's so worth it in the end. I feel more emotionally close to my friends. Sometimes it makes me vulnerable - maybe a little dependent on them. But as long as I keep things in mind, it's really rewarding. And seeing how different people are, and how they respond differently to things, or how they work differently is so interesting to me! So I do thrive on it. I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot about me, too - I tend to shelter myself somewhat, to protect myself. To curl up into a ball - physically and emotionally, when I feel threatened. But, people can get me out of that ball too. Caring goes a long way. And boy do I compartmentalize things. Separate things or people or experiences in my head. Maybe it's some rationalization or coping mechanism. It's very interesting. I didn't know other people don't do this! Or at least find it exhausting. Another thing I'm good at :-).
Recently I had some one on one time with Justin. We've never had that before, and it was mostly because I didn't understand his way of operating. He's not a big feeling-talker, he hates redundancy, and is pretty blunt. But we went to the Trail of Lights together. BTW, my favorite part was getting dizzy spinning under the big tree of lights. Awesome :-). But it was actually fabulous to have a deeper life talk with Justin. He showed care and concern and wanted to be closer to me. And I was glad because I really appreciated that, and enjoyed talking to him. I understand him a lot better now - I can incorporate his different personality into my understanding. So I'm happy about the bonding. I can have close male friends!
Although, with all of my break-throughs, I recently (last weekend) freaked out. I know why I freaked out, and I am justified. Unfortunately it happened at a party - I had to sit on the stairs and cry for awhile. But friends were there. But what I realized is that I shouldn't be with my friends. Let me 'splain. I had just come from a happy hour (or several hours) celebrating 2 friend's engagement. I went to a Karaoke party at another friend's house where everyone was coupled but me (I'm pretty sure). And the fact that all of my friends are engaged, married, or having babies just got to me. It's not that I don't think I can find someone wonderful for me. It's not that I don't believe I'm wonderful. It's that, even with all the awesome friends that I have, at the end of the day I go home alone and don't have that person to dump on or feel intimate with. Even that, actually, is fine. It's actually that no one else is where I am, to share my experience of trying to date at 27. Actually most of my friends haven't even dated post-college. They don't know what it's like - they can't relate! They are set for life without this uncertainty. I'm the one who has to go out and meet people again and try to be gregarious (even though I want to be curmudgeony and not meet new people). I'm the one who needs to stop hanging out with my friends (who are all known and paired) so I can actually do new activities and meet new people. And I'm the one who isn't exactly at the point in life which I wanted to be at by now. So, while some experiences can be shared, I can still feel isolated from those around me. And that makes me sad. I have worked through it now, and I feel better. And I feel better hanging out with my roommates who are older and single(ish). And I am hanging out with Mary more - Mary is awesome. Kung Fu friend who is around 32 and single. She reminds me of my sister sometimes :-). So, I'll make it. There are some hard times, but I'm strong, I'm optimistic. I'm still having a ton of fun.
And btw, I finally had time this last weekend to re-organize my room! I unpacked 5 boxes and 2.5 suitcases to put my room back together. So my room isn't a cyclone anymore, and it's great to feel I have my space back! I do love my room, my house, my living situation. Fun Austin living.
Alrighty - off to Arizona for Christmasy stuff. Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night.
So... I am back in Austin. My HOME. I cannot tell you what that has meant to me - what I have discovered that means to me because I spent so long away from it. Although I can feel isolated (see later paragraphs), I am not really alone here. I MATTER here. People care about me. People smile to see me, notice when I'm sad, notice when I'm gone. I have a family here, although no one I'm related to. I feel very close to people, and it's getting closer and I love it. Just warmth, goodness. I need a new word - something like pervasive love, but not romantic love, just people love. Damn the English language not having more words for love :-).
So, I have done some wonderful things these last 2 weeks back. I won't tell you about all of them - now I'm going to focus on feelings. But suffice it to say that I ate very few meals alone. Friends are awesome. I did the several things I really wanted to do upon coming back to Austin - hike, haircut, massage, and the Trail of Lights in Zilker Park. I continue to swim, and now a mile isn't so tough - it's the normal workout :-). I took my bike for a spin last weekend up and down Shoal Creek which was fun despite the whipping cold wind. And I played tennis this morning with Mike which was awesome and I am really going to get back into tennis now (that's the plan). I'm BACK, in short, and having fun!
But... more about self discovery. I've been doing a lot of talking with friends. Deep talking. A few of us came to the conclusion that to be close to people, you have to expose your vulnerabilities to them. Really. What drives people to be close in general? What makes 2 friends best friends? What makes relationship partners so intimate? Exposing some part of yourself - showing your vulnerabilities, your under belly. You share your secrets, things you worry about. Sure, there's some amount of shared experiences, too, but these serve to exhibit your good and bad qualities to your friends more. So, how do you make close friends? You have to open up - open yourself up and share something deep with them, something maybe a little scary or embarrassing. Then, they usually respond and know more about you, and open up in kind. So I've been having this more deeper talks with friends. And, while it's sometimes exhausting - sort of like a relationship - it's so worth it in the end. I feel more emotionally close to my friends. Sometimes it makes me vulnerable - maybe a little dependent on them. But as long as I keep things in mind, it's really rewarding. And seeing how different people are, and how they respond differently to things, or how they work differently is so interesting to me! So I do thrive on it. I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot about me, too - I tend to shelter myself somewhat, to protect myself. To curl up into a ball - physically and emotionally, when I feel threatened. But, people can get me out of that ball too. Caring goes a long way. And boy do I compartmentalize things. Separate things or people or experiences in my head. Maybe it's some rationalization or coping mechanism. It's very interesting. I didn't know other people don't do this! Or at least find it exhausting. Another thing I'm good at :-).
Recently I had some one on one time with Justin. We've never had that before, and it was mostly because I didn't understand his way of operating. He's not a big feeling-talker, he hates redundancy, and is pretty blunt. But we went to the Trail of Lights together. BTW, my favorite part was getting dizzy spinning under the big tree of lights. Awesome :-). But it was actually fabulous to have a deeper life talk with Justin. He showed care and concern and wanted to be closer to me. And I was glad because I really appreciated that, and enjoyed talking to him. I understand him a lot better now - I can incorporate his different personality into my understanding. So I'm happy about the bonding. I can have close male friends!
Although, with all of my break-throughs, I recently (last weekend) freaked out. I know why I freaked out, and I am justified. Unfortunately it happened at a party - I had to sit on the stairs and cry for awhile. But friends were there. But what I realized is that I shouldn't be with my friends. Let me 'splain. I had just come from a happy hour (or several hours) celebrating 2 friend's engagement. I went to a Karaoke party at another friend's house where everyone was coupled but me (I'm pretty sure). And the fact that all of my friends are engaged, married, or having babies just got to me. It's not that I don't think I can find someone wonderful for me. It's not that I don't believe I'm wonderful. It's that, even with all the awesome friends that I have, at the end of the day I go home alone and don't have that person to dump on or feel intimate with. Even that, actually, is fine. It's actually that no one else is where I am, to share my experience of trying to date at 27. Actually most of my friends haven't even dated post-college. They don't know what it's like - they can't relate! They are set for life without this uncertainty. I'm the one who has to go out and meet people again and try to be gregarious (even though I want to be curmudgeony and not meet new people). I'm the one who needs to stop hanging out with my friends (who are all known and paired) so I can actually do new activities and meet new people. And I'm the one who isn't exactly at the point in life which I wanted to be at by now. So, while some experiences can be shared, I can still feel isolated from those around me. And that makes me sad. I have worked through it now, and I feel better. And I feel better hanging out with my roommates who are older and single(ish). And I am hanging out with Mary more - Mary is awesome. Kung Fu friend who is around 32 and single. She reminds me of my sister sometimes :-). So, I'll make it. There are some hard times, but I'm strong, I'm optimistic. I'm still having a ton of fun.
And btw, I finally had time this last weekend to re-organize my room! I unpacked 5 boxes and 2.5 suitcases to put my room back together. So my room isn't a cyclone anymore, and it's great to feel I have my space back! I do love my room, my house, my living situation. Fun Austin living.
Alrighty - off to Arizona for Christmasy stuff. Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Christmas in NYC Pictures
More pictures! (See last post for others).
Union Square all snowy:

Rockefeller Center:

And the rest...
Pretty NYC
Union Square all snowy:

Rockefeller Center:

And the rest...
Pretty NYC
Pictures of my crazy Union Square Apartment
HI! So life is crazy, I am busy and happy and enjoying Austin SO much! My friends are awesome :-). And swimming and Kung Fu are awesome. It's good to be back.
FYI - I am in Arizona for Christmas Dec 19 - Dec 28. I am really happy about going to see friends and family there!
So in the meantime I've been organizing pictures. I wanted to post some of the last crazy apartment I lived in in New York City by Union Square. Put some pictures to the words :-).
My bedroom, the big room:

Big room plus kitchen:

The room with the skylight and door on the right goes to the bathroom:

The big room's radiator:

My roomate's larger radiator:

If you want to see more:
16th St. Apartment
FYI - I am in Arizona for Christmas Dec 19 - Dec 28. I am really happy about going to see friends and family there!
So in the meantime I've been organizing pictures. I wanted to post some of the last crazy apartment I lived in in New York City by Union Square. Put some pictures to the words :-).
My bedroom, the big room:

Big room plus kitchen:

The room with the skylight and door on the right goes to the bathroom:

The big room's radiator:

My roomate's larger radiator:

If you want to see more:
16th St. Apartment
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I am loved
Hi - so I owe you a blog. Whoever you are. Which, I've found out since I've been back is more people than I expected :-).
So, oh my God has Austin been good to me. I love this city, I love my people in it, I really am loved. One friend even apologized that they were out of town when I got back and couldn't welcome me back in person! I have awesome friends. And I needed to communicate that. Wow, do I feel loved. After all the hardships and growing and adventuring of New York - the ease of Austin is just what I needed. Given I will always love my time in New York and be nostalgic about it. But... Austin is where the heart is. I have not had a meal yet without being with a good friend. And actually, I think that will continue until at least Wednesday :-). And I know I'm geeky, but going to the grocery store Thursday and doing laundry today - first time ever that they are fun! I can stock up (being in 1 place for awhile and having a kitchen)! And drive my car (first time in 6 months)! And have everything be at my finger tips! Everything is just twice as easy here. And so many people to talk to and to have fun with. Ah - happy sighs.
But let me rewind a bit to Monday and replay a bit for you. Because that's who I am :-). Sorry the posts can be long - I will get better at that!
Monday - my last day at IBM. Unfortunately my carpool guy was sick and I had to take the train to work for the first time ever from Grand Central! Bummer - I was sad to not say goodbye to my carpool guy. But I did go out with him last week and give him a bottle of wine as a present... So anyway. Had my last day, with a good meeting at the end of it (and exercise of course). Then at night, despite my sickness, I went to Rockefeller Center to check out ice skating. I figured Monday night wouldn't be AS crowded, and I was right! I only waited like 10 minutes to get in, and I was at the start of the 8:30-10 slot. I paid a slightly obscene amount ($25) and got my skates. Went around the ice the first time, and thought I'd skate for like 5 minutes and be done! Was very shakey. Had some nice ladies on the side take pictures of me :-). Chatted with the lady from Miami and the Grandma from Vermont. But then I skated, and I got the hang of it. It was fabulous! I even danced a bit to the music and was able to dodge skaters who were really novice or bad. I got better and better as I went, and just enjoyed the holiday scene - being under the huge tree. Very magical. I skated until right before time was up, and didn't fall!... except on my very last go round, a boy ran into me from behind full force and took my legs out from under me. I was a little annoyed, but he said he was trying to avoid a baby. Oh well. So I had a great skating time! Then went home and decided to get comfort food for my cold. Went down to a cool homey place down the road - Chat and Chew. I had been there before, and sat at the bar again because the same bartender was there and we had fun chatting. So I had a fabulous chicken pot pie and hot cider and chatted with him about life, travel, living in Europe, football which was on TV. When he asked me what I do, I said "Computer Science". I got the regular answer - "You don't look like a Computer Scientist." I always figure it's because of the boobs that people say that, so I didn't expect different here. But he surprised me. He offer instead what I should be: A TEACHER! He said I had a pleasant face, a patient and friendly demeanor, a nice way of talking and listening. He thought I should be a teacher. So it's settled:
I was surprised that he got me pretty quickly. It was refreshing :-). And of course, now that I was leaving New York, I found a friend. But finally I did have to go home and pack up the rest of my stuff! Which wasn't actually that bad. The next morning I took my box to be mailed to myself, and it was actually a nice bright day with even some snow flurries - ah. Got an everything bagel as my last New York meal :-). And said goodbye to the Empire State Building. My kooky roommate actually helped me bring all my suitcases downstairs to get the Super Shuttle. She wasn't so bad after all :-). Always somehow I had unexpected help just when I needed it in New York :-).
On the way out (after delays because of weather), I had a magnificent view of Manhattan, my city. It was time to leave, but she was still beautiful and I watched the view until I couldn't anymore. All the tall buildings, and the Empire STate Building and the Chrysler building. And Central Park. So beautiful. And I loved how when the plane got exactly north of the city, all the avenues were strips of either red, white, or red and white lights. Cracked me up that not only could you see exactly which avenues were one way north or south, but that the grid was obvious from the sky. So, I said goodbye to New York. I actually went Tuesday to Chicago, which was having a huge snow storm. It was beautiful in Chicago - all white. I spent the evening there hanging out with Naveen, actually. We had a nice time. That is all I'll say here, but if you want more information, talk to me in person :-). Then I stayed with my aunt that night, and winged off to Austin Wednesday (with more delays).
So, I got home to Austin! You already know I cried when I got here. I was emotional :-). I was met by good friend Negin who gave me a ride home. Then the first thing I wanted to do was go to Kung Fu, so I did (despite my cold). And I got a Cheers welcome when I went! "Jenn!" Got tons of hugs and "How was New York?"s. Maybe that's why I wanted to go there :-). It was fabulous to be back and with friends. I went to advanced Kung Fu class, and the warmup kicked my butt, but I was so into the regular class. My body just said "yep, I remember this" and loved it. Fun. I'm still a black sash! Then went to dinner with Tom, Mary, and Mary's daughter Daria at Hyde Park. So fun to be with friends again - my family here! They were so appreciative of me. And I them. You know the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"? Well, totally true here. Totally.
Thursday I went to school and I couldn't get a free 20 minutes! So many nice visits from friends, and welcome backs! And invites to do stuff... Good times. In the afternoon I went swimming - yay back to swimming! - with 2 friends in the CS department. They go twice a week, and now I'll join them. And let me just say, Austin is warm and sunny and beautiful. Even though I didn't remember my room exactly, the city itself is familiar to me, even if it takes a minute to recall :-). So we swam outside in warm weather - 80 degrees! - and I swam A MILE! With the cold! Was so impressed by myself. :-). Love being back to swimming. Of course doing a mile took me 54 minutes, but it was good. Then went out to dinner with Maria and caught up. Talked about eating healthy and doing fun adventure multi-sport races and all. Life is good again :-). And I ate Tex Mex - yay! Then afterwards I was excited to go grocery shopping! And do a load of laundry! :-). It became easier :-).
Friday went into school again. Went out to lunch with good friend Harry and had fun catching up. It's interesting to hear where friends are - what has changed. And how people more more towards graduation. No - people can't leave! And what's up with (not Harry) people having babies?! Wigging me out. People growing up and all. But good times. Got some work done that afternoon, then went to the gym. Then home to be ready for dinner with friends Justin, Carol, Negin and Greg! We tried a new Greek place, and had fun catching up. I talked a lot - told them about my research sagas. Felt slightly bad about being all jaded about things, but that's how it is I guess. It was nice to just have friends who listen again :-). Then we went and did a fun craft project at Negin's while waiting for a party to begin. We went to a party late - probably didn't get there until close to midnight. So stayed late there, and didn't get a lot of sleep Friday night. But the party was fun! Saw some old friends, but 1/2 the CS people I didn't know. Feel old school :-). Drank some champagne and hot cider (spiked) and saw people do the mentos and diet Coke trick, and try to shoot champagne corks farther. So, pretty fun.
Saturday I had to get up a little early to go hiking - but the hike was great! I wore pants and was hot - it was a nice sunny day. Went to Pedernalles Falls - beautiful area. Nice little creeks and springs to take breaks next to, and a nice trail with bright green bushes around. Some nice views as we hiked on the side of a hill and could see across the hill country beyond. So much space here! And so pretty! Saw the big river too - just calm, quiet and nice hike. Then came home and got ready for dinner with a Kung Fu friend. Hadn't really hung out with him outside of class before, but he's been a good friend to me. And we had fun catching up at Kerbey Lane! Talking about relationship stuff and Kung Fu of course :-). He's really into self-awareness, and improving oneself and giving off good energy, being supportive. It was nice. Then went to join his friends for "Golden Compass" movie which was cool adventure movie, but basically ended making you wait for the next movie where the saga continues. So we went to Spiderhouse and I met some of Alan's friends there. They are all people who meditate and give off friendly, good vibes. Neat people. Really like giving off positive vibes, and bettering oneself, so it felt good. I'm working towards understanding, and it's all good :-).
Today - Sunday. More time with friends! Slept a lot, but then got up and went to lunch with Mary from Kung Fu who is just an awesome person. We chatted a lot, and she's so good at understanding. Again, loved :-). And now I'm enjoying doing laundry at home! Funny that. It's always the small things :-). Eventually I will have to clean up my cyclone of a room...
So, that's my saga! I'm home and loving it. And the adventures, except of a different nature, continue. Happy December all!
So, oh my God has Austin been good to me. I love this city, I love my people in it, I really am loved. One friend even apologized that they were out of town when I got back and couldn't welcome me back in person! I have awesome friends. And I needed to communicate that. Wow, do I feel loved. After all the hardships and growing and adventuring of New York - the ease of Austin is just what I needed. Given I will always love my time in New York and be nostalgic about it. But... Austin is where the heart is. I have not had a meal yet without being with a good friend. And actually, I think that will continue until at least Wednesday :-). And I know I'm geeky, but going to the grocery store Thursday and doing laundry today - first time ever that they are fun! I can stock up (being in 1 place for awhile and having a kitchen)! And drive my car (first time in 6 months)! And have everything be at my finger tips! Everything is just twice as easy here. And so many people to talk to and to have fun with. Ah - happy sighs.
But let me rewind a bit to Monday and replay a bit for you. Because that's who I am :-). Sorry the posts can be long - I will get better at that!
Monday - my last day at IBM. Unfortunately my carpool guy was sick and I had to take the train to work for the first time ever from Grand Central! Bummer - I was sad to not say goodbye to my carpool guy. But I did go out with him last week and give him a bottle of wine as a present... So anyway. Had my last day, with a good meeting at the end of it (and exercise of course). Then at night, despite my sickness, I went to Rockefeller Center to check out ice skating. I figured Monday night wouldn't be AS crowded, and I was right! I only waited like 10 minutes to get in, and I was at the start of the 8:30-10 slot. I paid a slightly obscene amount ($25) and got my skates. Went around the ice the first time, and thought I'd skate for like 5 minutes and be done! Was very shakey. Had some nice ladies on the side take pictures of me :-). Chatted with the lady from Miami and the Grandma from Vermont. But then I skated, and I got the hang of it. It was fabulous! I even danced a bit to the music and was able to dodge skaters who were really novice or bad. I got better and better as I went, and just enjoyed the holiday scene - being under the huge tree. Very magical. I skated until right before time was up, and didn't fall!... except on my very last go round, a boy ran into me from behind full force and took my legs out from under me. I was a little annoyed, but he said he was trying to avoid a baby. Oh well. So I had a great skating time! Then went home and decided to get comfort food for my cold. Went down to a cool homey place down the road - Chat and Chew. I had been there before, and sat at the bar again because the same bartender was there and we had fun chatting. So I had a fabulous chicken pot pie and hot cider and chatted with him about life, travel, living in Europe, football which was on TV. When he asked me what I do, I said "Computer Science". I got the regular answer - "You don't look like a Computer Scientist." I always figure it's because of the boobs that people say that, so I didn't expect different here. But he surprised me. He offer instead what I should be: A TEACHER! He said I had a pleasant face, a patient and friendly demeanor, a nice way of talking and listening. He thought I should be a teacher. So it's settled:
I was surprised that he got me pretty quickly. It was refreshing :-). And of course, now that I was leaving New York, I found a friend. But finally I did have to go home and pack up the rest of my stuff! Which wasn't actually that bad. The next morning I took my box to be mailed to myself, and it was actually a nice bright day with even some snow flurries - ah. Got an everything bagel as my last New York meal :-). And said goodbye to the Empire State Building. My kooky roommate actually helped me bring all my suitcases downstairs to get the Super Shuttle. She wasn't so bad after all :-). Always somehow I had unexpected help just when I needed it in New York :-).
On the way out (after delays because of weather), I had a magnificent view of Manhattan, my city. It was time to leave, but she was still beautiful and I watched the view until I couldn't anymore. All the tall buildings, and the Empire STate Building and the Chrysler building. And Central Park. So beautiful. And I loved how when the plane got exactly north of the city, all the avenues were strips of either red, white, or red and white lights. Cracked me up that not only could you see exactly which avenues were one way north or south, but that the grid was obvious from the sky. So, I said goodbye to New York. I actually went Tuesday to Chicago, which was having a huge snow storm. It was beautiful in Chicago - all white. I spent the evening there hanging out with Naveen, actually. We had a nice time. That is all I'll say here, but if you want more information, talk to me in person :-). Then I stayed with my aunt that night, and winged off to Austin Wednesday (with more delays).
So, I got home to Austin! You already know I cried when I got here. I was emotional :-). I was met by good friend Negin who gave me a ride home. Then the first thing I wanted to do was go to Kung Fu, so I did (despite my cold). And I got a Cheers welcome when I went! "Jenn!" Got tons of hugs and "How was New York?"s. Maybe that's why I wanted to go there :-). It was fabulous to be back and with friends. I went to advanced Kung Fu class, and the warmup kicked my butt, but I was so into the regular class. My body just said "yep, I remember this" and loved it. Fun. I'm still a black sash! Then went to dinner with Tom, Mary, and Mary's daughter Daria at Hyde Park. So fun to be with friends again - my family here! They were so appreciative of me. And I them. You know the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"? Well, totally true here. Totally.
Thursday I went to school and I couldn't get a free 20 minutes! So many nice visits from friends, and welcome backs! And invites to do stuff... Good times. In the afternoon I went swimming - yay back to swimming! - with 2 friends in the CS department. They go twice a week, and now I'll join them. And let me just say, Austin is warm and sunny and beautiful. Even though I didn't remember my room exactly, the city itself is familiar to me, even if it takes a minute to recall :-). So we swam outside in warm weather - 80 degrees! - and I swam A MILE! With the cold! Was so impressed by myself. :-). Love being back to swimming. Of course doing a mile took me 54 minutes, but it was good. Then went out to dinner with Maria and caught up. Talked about eating healthy and doing fun adventure multi-sport races and all. Life is good again :-). And I ate Tex Mex - yay! Then afterwards I was excited to go grocery shopping! And do a load of laundry! :-). It became easier :-).
Friday went into school again. Went out to lunch with good friend Harry and had fun catching up. It's interesting to hear where friends are - what has changed. And how people more more towards graduation. No - people can't leave! And what's up with (not Harry) people having babies?! Wigging me out. People growing up and all. But good times. Got some work done that afternoon, then went to the gym. Then home to be ready for dinner with friends Justin, Carol, Negin and Greg! We tried a new Greek place, and had fun catching up. I talked a lot - told them about my research sagas. Felt slightly bad about being all jaded about things, but that's how it is I guess. It was nice to just have friends who listen again :-). Then we went and did a fun craft project at Negin's while waiting for a party to begin. We went to a party late - probably didn't get there until close to midnight. So stayed late there, and didn't get a lot of sleep Friday night. But the party was fun! Saw some old friends, but 1/2 the CS people I didn't know. Feel old school :-). Drank some champagne and hot cider (spiked) and saw people do the mentos and diet Coke trick, and try to shoot champagne corks farther. So, pretty fun.
Saturday I had to get up a little early to go hiking - but the hike was great! I wore pants and was hot - it was a nice sunny day. Went to Pedernalles Falls - beautiful area. Nice little creeks and springs to take breaks next to, and a nice trail with bright green bushes around. Some nice views as we hiked on the side of a hill and could see across the hill country beyond. So much space here! And so pretty! Saw the big river too - just calm, quiet and nice hike. Then came home and got ready for dinner with a Kung Fu friend. Hadn't really hung out with him outside of class before, but he's been a good friend to me. And we had fun catching up at Kerbey Lane! Talking about relationship stuff and Kung Fu of course :-). He's really into self-awareness, and improving oneself and giving off good energy, being supportive. It was nice. Then went to join his friends for "Golden Compass" movie which was cool adventure movie, but basically ended making you wait for the next movie where the saga continues. So we went to Spiderhouse and I met some of Alan's friends there. They are all people who meditate and give off friendly, good vibes. Neat people. Really like giving off positive vibes, and bettering oneself, so it felt good. I'm working towards understanding, and it's all good :-).
Today - Sunday. More time with friends! Slept a lot, but then got up and went to lunch with Mary from Kung Fu who is just an awesome person. We chatted a lot, and she's so good at understanding. Again, loved :-). And now I'm enjoying doing laundry at home! Funny that. It's always the small things :-). Eventually I will have to clean up my cyclone of a room...
So, that's my saga! I'm home and loving it. And the adventures, except of a different nature, continue. Happy December all!
I love my city
And I love me. For whatever craziness is swirling around me cannot stop my self-growth that I've been going through for the last year plus. That is mine, and I embrace it and am proud of it. I have never felt more me. And I know I'm not done yet. More awareness, more amazement at people and myself, more knowing myself. And finding some peace, finding happiness. It's tough, but I'm in the right place - the right mindset. All is growth. Yay :-).
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
There is much to tell, but not right now. Right now I am home. Home at last. Thank God almighty I am home at last.
And yes, I did cry upon landing in Austin. My home.
And yes, I did cry upon landing in Austin. My home.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Awesome Last Week
So I've been bad about blogging lately, but needed to say I've had an absolutely great last week in the city! So much fun. But let me tell you - I can't do LESS THAN 40 temperature wise. Brrr. Maybe I don't have the right clothes, but my limbs really don't work as well when it's in the 30s (or 20s!). But... I did get a treat yesterday: SNOW!! I woke up and walked outside to a beautiful snow storm, and a layer on everything. Very pretty send off :-). Yes, I have pictures... need to post them.
So, here are highlights of my last week in New York:
Tuesday: Fabulous dinner with old friend Holly. Again having a lot in common about traveling, relationships, family. So fun to re-connect! And with some trouble, got my bag back after they lost it on the way back from Thanksgiving.
Wednesday: Had going away lunch at work - Indian food. Then home early to catch the lighting of the tree in Rockefeller Center! THAT was crazy - being stuck in a huge crowd of people seeing a small part of the tree, waiting in the cold for 2 hours while hearing famous people sing, then instantaneously the lights came on and we were out of there! Funny to wait that long for a tiny thing. I could go now and see the lights lit up :-). But it was an experience - a NY experience. Most things here involve a mob of people. But at least they are used to it.
Thursday: Good day at work, then leaving for modern dance show by old company "Alvin Ailey"! Went with carpool guy to Greek place in midtown before the show - we got appetizers, but they were fantastic! I loved the pan-friend cheese and the spanikopitas :-). Then the show itself was fantastic - amazing bodies those people. Good music, good energy, neat costumes - all a good night!
Friday: Final presentation at work that went well. I made people laugh :-). Had free night in the city - my luck at finding dinner wasn't so good though - ended up with pizza. Went to Grand Central to hear Yale's glee club, but that was short-lived, so hurried back down to Union Square to see movie "Enchanted". I liked that it was set in Manhattan and I recognized everything. Story was good, but I guess it was too story-book, predictable, perfect ending for me. I thought I'd like it, but I wasn't that satisfied...
Saturday: Cold day in the city! Was around freezing... Headed out and got a pumpkin muffin at the Farmer's Market, plus an apple cider donut and apple cider :-). Yum. Then walked around the Christmas Market booths - there were many of them! - shopping for people's Christmas gifts. I think I got them all - and some treasures! Fun stuff :-). Then headed home and went for my last bike ride in the city. Was really cold - needed different clothes, but I made it up to Central Park (going by Macy's windows) and around the park - 5 mile loop instead of the usual 6 this time. Was happy to be in the park, but man is cold painful. I really felt uncomfortable at times. And of course on the way there and back had to pray to taxis not to kill me. On the way back, I stopped at the discount booth in Times Square for tickets to Avenue Q!! Despite the line being long and me almost getting in trouble for having my bike in line with me (ladies in front of me defended me), I made it and got a great ticket. Yay! So then rode home while the sun was setting with my face red and chapped and me freezing. Actually rode to the bike shop where they boxed up my bike for me, which I then mailed back to Austin! And took the hottest, most satisfying shower - yay :-). Then headed uptown again for dinner and the show. Ate again at my favorite Afghan kabob house. Guy there even missed me :-). Gave me free dessert again... Had some tasty lamb and okra and their bread is awesome! Then to Avenue Q! Great show - slightly offensive, actors were great, puppets were great - good show all around :-). I bought the soundtrack for the funny songs. Then headed down to meet my softball friend Mo at a bar for the last time... He was sad to see me leave. We enjoyed a couple of beers, then I headed home in the f@#*ing cold weather! Couldn't feel my legs when I got home... Yes, 25 is too cold.
Sunday: Woke up to beautiful snow :-). At least there's a reason for the cold that way! Went to brunch with friend Collin who got me tickets for the music shows at the club a couple weekends ago. Hadn't met him before, but he was a really nice guy - easy to talk to and fun! He's a nerd (gamer), even though he's into music, and he loves food and does Kung Fu too! So we had enough in common. We ate brunch at a neat Southwest kind of place. Had bread with blue corn and jalapeno in it - bizarre. I had some good spicy scrambled eggs with goat cheese, biscuits, ham, and grits :-). Tasty. Fun times. There are cool people in this city! Then headed to Grand Central to check out their Christmas Market. I'm a sucker for these :-). Then hopped a train to go out to Westchester for my 2nd line bosses going away dinner for us Texans. Mentor Martin gave me a ride. There was snow out there too :-). It was fun just to hang out with my advisor and her family - I talked to her kids and played games with them - they are sweet. And the lasagna they made was tasty. An enjoyable night. Except I missed a train or so getting home, but made it and did some packing at home - fun times... Almost ready to go home!!!
Unfortunately I got sick last night. Was sneezing a bit, then felt bad last night, and woke up several times at night with a really sore throat. My voice is funny today and I'm a bit congested... Ugh. I hope it doesn't last :-(. But it doesn't matter - I'm here on my last day of work at IBM! Of course my carpool guy was sick, so I had to take the train on my last day :-(. But I made it and it'll be my last day physically here :-).
So hope I don't feel like crap for too long. Tonight I want to go by Rockefeller Center and try my hand at skating there hopefully :-). That's my last NYC thing to do. Then just finish packing! Exciting! Can't wait to go home to Austin - almost there baby :-). But - it is the end of an era. I can't say New York hasn't been challenging for me, but it has been an adventure. And sometimes we need to be challenged anyway. I'm proud of myself for making it, and I'm so grateful for the experience - for having had this opportunity. Wow, has it been amazing and eye opening and fun :-). And I've learned a lot about myself too. So, it will be with a sad wave that I say "Goodbye" to New York tomorrow - to the city that never sleeps - to my Empire State Building. I will always remember you...
So, here are highlights of my last week in New York:
Tuesday: Fabulous dinner with old friend Holly. Again having a lot in common about traveling, relationships, family. So fun to re-connect! And with some trouble, got my bag back after they lost it on the way back from Thanksgiving.
Wednesday: Had going away lunch at work - Indian food. Then home early to catch the lighting of the tree in Rockefeller Center! THAT was crazy - being stuck in a huge crowd of people seeing a small part of the tree, waiting in the cold for 2 hours while hearing famous people sing, then instantaneously the lights came on and we were out of there! Funny to wait that long for a tiny thing. I could go now and see the lights lit up :-). But it was an experience - a NY experience. Most things here involve a mob of people. But at least they are used to it.
Thursday: Good day at work, then leaving for modern dance show by old company "Alvin Ailey"! Went with carpool guy to Greek place in midtown before the show - we got appetizers, but they were fantastic! I loved the pan-friend cheese and the spanikopitas :-). Then the show itself was fantastic - amazing bodies those people. Good music, good energy, neat costumes - all a good night!
Friday: Final presentation at work that went well. I made people laugh :-). Had free night in the city - my luck at finding dinner wasn't so good though - ended up with pizza. Went to Grand Central to hear Yale's glee club, but that was short-lived, so hurried back down to Union Square to see movie "Enchanted". I liked that it was set in Manhattan and I recognized everything. Story was good, but I guess it was too story-book, predictable, perfect ending for me. I thought I'd like it, but I wasn't that satisfied...
Saturday: Cold day in the city! Was around freezing... Headed out and got a pumpkin muffin at the Farmer's Market, plus an apple cider donut and apple cider :-). Yum. Then walked around the Christmas Market booths - there were many of them! - shopping for people's Christmas gifts. I think I got them all - and some treasures! Fun stuff :-). Then headed home and went for my last bike ride in the city. Was really cold - needed different clothes, but I made it up to Central Park (going by Macy's windows) and around the park - 5 mile loop instead of the usual 6 this time. Was happy to be in the park, but man is cold painful. I really felt uncomfortable at times. And of course on the way there and back had to pray to taxis not to kill me. On the way back, I stopped at the discount booth in Times Square for tickets to Avenue Q!! Despite the line being long and me almost getting in trouble for having my bike in line with me (ladies in front of me defended me), I made it and got a great ticket. Yay! So then rode home while the sun was setting with my face red and chapped and me freezing. Actually rode to the bike shop where they boxed up my bike for me, which I then mailed back to Austin! And took the hottest, most satisfying shower - yay :-). Then headed uptown again for dinner and the show. Ate again at my favorite Afghan kabob house. Guy there even missed me :-). Gave me free dessert again... Had some tasty lamb and okra and their bread is awesome! Then to Avenue Q! Great show - slightly offensive, actors were great, puppets were great - good show all around :-). I bought the soundtrack for the funny songs. Then headed down to meet my softball friend Mo at a bar for the last time... He was sad to see me leave. We enjoyed a couple of beers, then I headed home in the f@#*ing cold weather! Couldn't feel my legs when I got home... Yes, 25 is too cold.
Sunday: Woke up to beautiful snow :-). At least there's a reason for the cold that way! Went to brunch with friend Collin who got me tickets for the music shows at the club a couple weekends ago. Hadn't met him before, but he was a really nice guy - easy to talk to and fun! He's a nerd (gamer), even though he's into music, and he loves food and does Kung Fu too! So we had enough in common. We ate brunch at a neat Southwest kind of place. Had bread with blue corn and jalapeno in it - bizarre. I had some good spicy scrambled eggs with goat cheese, biscuits, ham, and grits :-). Tasty. Fun times. There are cool people in this city! Then headed to Grand Central to check out their Christmas Market. I'm a sucker for these :-). Then hopped a train to go out to Westchester for my 2nd line bosses going away dinner for us Texans. Mentor Martin gave me a ride. There was snow out there too :-). It was fun just to hang out with my advisor and her family - I talked to her kids and played games with them - they are sweet. And the lasagna they made was tasty. An enjoyable night. Except I missed a train or so getting home, but made it and did some packing at home - fun times... Almost ready to go home!!!
Unfortunately I got sick last night. Was sneezing a bit, then felt bad last night, and woke up several times at night with a really sore throat. My voice is funny today and I'm a bit congested... Ugh. I hope it doesn't last :-(. But it doesn't matter - I'm here on my last day of work at IBM! Of course my carpool guy was sick, so I had to take the train on my last day :-(. But I made it and it'll be my last day physically here :-).
So hope I don't feel like crap for too long. Tonight I want to go by Rockefeller Center and try my hand at skating there hopefully :-). That's my last NYC thing to do. Then just finish packing! Exciting! Can't wait to go home to Austin - almost there baby :-). But - it is the end of an era. I can't say New York hasn't been challenging for me, but it has been an adventure. And sometimes we need to be challenged anyway. I'm proud of myself for making it, and I'm so grateful for the experience - for having had this opportunity. Wow, has it been amazing and eye opening and fun :-). And I've learned a lot about myself too. So, it will be with a sad wave that I say "Goodbye" to New York tomorrow - to the city that never sleeps - to my Empire State Building. I will always remember you...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thanksgiving: aka I love my Family
I have had a great Thanksgiving week this last week. It has been a wonderful change from New York – just what I needed. Sunny days in California; great exercise; good food; awesome company; and Family – people who understand me :-).
Highlights: running in Janelle’s huge-house acre-lot neighborhood; biking on Janelle’s awesome road bike*; hiking with Janelle around Stanford’s dish; playing tennis with Janelle; celebrating Janelle’s birthday with her and 9 others :-); playing Mah Jongg with Grandma; eating 2 fabulous dinner’s at Webster House where Grandma lives; helping cook (and eat) Thanksgiving dinner with Janelle; playing Pictionary with my family and getting whooped by the boys (Ken and Jeff); Thanksgiving dinner reprise; biking to Gram’s and gossiping with her over lunch; Sunday dinner with the whole family – our tradition; 9 hours of sleep per night; and last but not least: having turkey for 6 meals :-).
*Happy day! Janelle’s old road bike is just sitting in her garage. She hasn’t had the heart to get rid of it because although it’s older, it is a really nice bike and still in good shape. She was bullied into getting her new bike – the newer fancier model, but she couldn’t tell much of a difference with her old bike! So… she said I could have her old road bike – yippee!!! Such a treat – I’m so lucky. It’s a great quality bike, and now I’ll have clip-in pedals and a road bike to do triathlons with. So happy! She’s going to mail it to me in Austin :-).
So, to start at the beginning – I took the dryable laundry in on the way to work Monday. I decided I could do the non-dryable at Janelle’s so that I never had to actually GO to a laundromat again – woohoo! I also picked up a chicken salad sandwich from a deli and took pictures of “Jane Street” – makes me smile every time I go to work because it’s Grandma’s name. Then had a regular day at work, with my exercise of course. Home, then had a Cuban sandwich for dinner which was tasty. While waiting for takeout these 2 guys at the bar flirted with me and talked to me. They were from Venezuela originally, but had been living in Florida and had just moved to New York (temporarily). So we had some things in common :-). One was cute, his friend though was drunk and less cute. I had fun chatting – he said to come back before Saturday, but alas I was going out of town. I guess Saturday he was moving back to Florida. Just when I was making connections! Anyway – stayed up late packing, but with great anticipation.
Tuesday – had to leave home at 9am to get to Newark. Although I had to lug my bag down 2 Aves and 2 Streets, take a subway, then a commuter train, then an airport tram – it was pretty slick :-). I made it. Got there around 10:30 for my noon flight. Actually although my flights were long, they were event-less and surprisingly on time for holiday travel! Guess I beat most people :-). I slept, did work, wrote emails, read. Great thing about this free Starbucks month of internet – tmobile is also in most airports – nifty! I went through Dallas which is part of what made the day so long. But I teared up because it was Texas… I was like “Ah, I promise I’ll be back soon!”. God, it’s time to go home :-). But I made it and gained time (going west), and made it only slightly late to my Aunt’s birthday dinner at her house! The lateness was due to an annoying and slow shuttle driver. And dinner was informal – Chinese food. But there were 11 of us :-). Normal day at Janelle’s house. I was overcome with happiness upon arrival – hugged everyone, even my cousin’s wife’s Mom. People I know, who know me! Family! Non-New York! Yay :-). I realized quickly that everyone had their own life around me, but that just gave me some time to myself to relax too. No shortage of things going on there though :-). Janelle opened presents, and we had a wonderful Chocolate Crème Brulee ala Jeff, my cousin. It was fantastic :-). Great way to start a vacation!
Wednesday I got up and ran around the fancy rich neighborhood (after lots of sleep). I felt free – it was in the 60s and sunny and beautiful. I can’t really complain when visiting Janelle. She is a great cook, gives me free time to do my thing, includes me on family things, always has a stocked kitchen, and makes me feel at home :-). She lives the good life too – not working, but doing fun activities and exercise almost everyday, plus lots of good wine at night :-). I love my family. Anyway – after lunch Janelle dropped me off at Grandma’s where Gram had set up a Mah Jongg game with her friends. She’s been teaching me to play with these awesome tiles from China (beautiful) that used to be HER Grandmother’s!! I think I inherit them – they are beautiful. And it’s such a fun game. There are some weird intricacies that I have to be reminded of, but it’s mostly like Gin Rummy which is so fun. I love games. So then Gram and I just visited the rest of the afternoon – talking about family, gossiping, telling stories. She asked me about my life – and I love that my family knows me enough to ask the real questions. I am open – I answer everything :-). And she told me neat stories about her life, moving around in the air force, and even Grandpa wooing her way back when! Love that :-). My Grandma is so sweet and kind and selfless and just lives for her family. She’s my favorite person in the world :-). So after visiting, we go down for a nice Webster House dinner. Awesome fresh warm soft rolls, soup, salad, entrée, and dessert for every meal. And pretty healthy too! This time the entrée was chicken with some veggie – can’t remember. And dessert was odd – a spice bread with sweet-marinated pears. But overall tasty :-).
Then Thanksgiving! I was in my pajamas most of the day helping my Aunt cook. Ok, I didn’t do too much (she’s so organized, my aunt). But we talked a lot and hung out – it was great fun. In the afternoon I decided to go for a bike ride and borrowed Janelle’s nice bike – a road bike with clip-in pedals! Ok, I didn’t clip in, but it had the low handlebars and everything. Took a bit of getting used to, but it was really fun to ride! And I went around another really cute woodsy neighborhood where tons of people were out walking around on Thanksgiving. Just put a smile on my face :-). And cute houses… So came back and had a great Thanksgiving meal – this time w/o my cousin’s family so it was just Aunt Janelle, Uncle Ken, Gram and me. But we had great things – cranberry salad, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, stuffing, rolls – I think that’s it. Then we had an apple tart for dessert – I helped with that. Although we also had a sweet potato pie a friend of Ken’s had brought over which was pretty tasty! Although I always love the apple things :-). So, nice quiet evening – I think we watched a neat Netflix movie with Scarlett Johansen and Helen Hunt – “A Good Woman”.
That night I finished my book – The Kite Runner. I read faster toward the end because it was really interesting. It is a FABULOUS book and I highly recommend it. A poignant story, and neat to hear about another culture and country (Afghanistan). So go read it if you haven’t! Love good books :-).
Ok – Friday entailed another run around the neighborhood on a sunny day. I could really get used to this idle time – sleeping a lot, exercising, eating a lot :-), playing games! Fun times. Then I borrowed Janelle’s bike again and biked the 3 or 4 miles to Grandma’s house!! We had leftover turkey together for lunch, and did more visiting and gossiping. Again, my Grandma is awesome and fun to hang out with. I had to leave before it got dark with the bike, so I left around 4 to get back to Janelle’s. Turns out the gang came over for Thanksgiving dinner reprise – Jeff, Michelle, Paola (Michelle’s Mom), and their boys – Luke and Hazen. Big crowd, but fun. And of course the food was all good again :-). That’s when we played Pictionary. So fun – love games! We randomly picked teams, but Jeff and Ken ended up together which was a mistake. I was with Michelle and Paola and Janelle were together. Let me just say Ken and Jeff are VERY intelligent and both awesome at games. They shouldn’t have been put together. Us other teams were 1/4 of the way through the board when they zoomed ahead, getting clue after clue, and basically won without us moving again at all. It was fun overall, and we had some laughs, but never again with the boys together! Some good almost clues: “smoking a bone” and something about tits that Ken said :-). Fun times.
Saturday was good, again. I hung out for the morning, then Janelle and I played tennis! I had brought my racket and was happy to play, although of course I sucked from lack of practice. I need to be more consistent! I only got 1 game off of Janelle in 2 sets. She was playing well. But it was a beautiful day, great to run around the courts again. Being on a tennis court does something to me – it’s like “I belong”. A confidence booster automatically! Then we basically got ready and went to hang out at Gram’s for the afternoon. We played some fun games – Rummikub and Sequence. And chatted. Then Janelle and Ken and I joined Gram for another great dinner at Webster House. This time we had salmon and spinach – yum. And Ken raved about their apple and fennel soup. And the dessert was only ok – strawberry baked Alaska. But another fun night at Webster House! And we watched Ocean’s Thirteen back at home, although I missed 1/2 hour of it – my eyelids were more interesting.
And Sunday – last day! I did work for the morning while Janelle played her weekly tennis game. Then we had a quick lunch and headed out for a brisk hike! The trail was paved, but it was we thought around 6 miles. It was surrounded by grass with cows, and trees. Felt pretty rural for being close to Stanford and a populous area. Neat views :-). But it was nice to just get out and hike and stretch my legs (despite right knee pain which I think is a pulled muscle). And of course – Janelle and I had a great hour and a half around the loop to talk :-). I love my family. We had good conversations – about life, cooking, managing things, kids, biking in other parts of the world, friends, priorities. It was fun to chat with her :-). Good to talk. And we talked about Grandma’s upcoming 90th birthday celebration next June. Anyway – I felt close to her and just happy. Exercise and good company – what more could I ask for? Then we came home and got ready for Sunday dinner! A tradition in my family – everyone gathers for a nice Sunday dinner. When I was little we always used to gather at Grandma’s house. Janelle had broccoli, a pear, cheese, walnut salad, and turkey burgers. Everything was tasty. Oh yeah – and the cheese and olive and mushroom empanada appetizers – yum. And wine of course. Everything was delicious! And of course the company – with Jeff’s family – was great. Fun times. And we had a surprised yummy dessert – Jeff cooked a peanut butter and chocolate tourtine (sp?). Very rich and beautifully plated and awesome :-). A definite treat for me!
Hope Gram had a good time – I know visits mean a lot to her. It was great to be able to see her everyday! And spend some quality time with her :-).
So today – went for my last run around the neighborhood (although my knee was hurting – ugh). It was chillier this morning, although still sunny. I could see my breath in clouds! And then came back, got ready, packed, and pretty much had to leave for the airport! Another long day back, but not too painful. It’s easy to keep myself busy :-). But will get home late…
And yes, there was some loneliness and overeating. But on the whole – a fabulous relaxing holiday which was just what I needed.
So family is awesome. Particularly my family. To me family is everything – closer than friends (although I’m working on it). I am close with them and we are similar. I could go to any of my aunt’s houses and have an awesome time. And to my 13 cousin’s houses too, although I know some of them less well. But we are all awesome and good people. And I am glad we are close – they have made me who I am – my whole family structure and culture. Of course my Mom had a big hand in that of course, but I’m saying it’s just who my family is – how my Grandma and Grandpa raised the 4 girls. We are close, and all well-educated, and all know “the good life”. My Grandpa’s famous quote. So I realize while my family doesn’t know what I do day-to-day, they KNOW me. They know who I am from the inside. Because I am them. We understand each other’s interworkings, and ways of operating and organizing and thinking because we are similar. And that’s comforting! Maybe disturbing too :-). But for me it was a breath of fresh air. With friends there is always an adjustment period – getting used to each other’s habits, or finding each other’s limits or tolerances. I know where I am with my family. And they know me. And we are just automatically close because of that even if we don’t talk very often. It’s very neat that way. And I noticed things Janelle does that are just like my Mom. Or me. We are all control-freaks :-). And you don’t have to explain your view of the world or explain you are genuine. She knows. She knows you like wine with dinner. Our models are similar :-). And that’s comforting. So even though I wasn’t going home to Mom’s house, I still felt some level of just happy comfort and understanding being at Janelle’s. And maybe THAT is what I am thankful for this year :-).
And thankful I’m only in New York 1 more week baby! Austin – I’m coming home soon :-).
Highlights: running in Janelle’s huge-house acre-lot neighborhood; biking on Janelle’s awesome road bike*; hiking with Janelle around Stanford’s dish; playing tennis with Janelle; celebrating Janelle’s birthday with her and 9 others :-); playing Mah Jongg with Grandma; eating 2 fabulous dinner’s at Webster House where Grandma lives; helping cook (and eat) Thanksgiving dinner with Janelle; playing Pictionary with my family and getting whooped by the boys (Ken and Jeff); Thanksgiving dinner reprise; biking to Gram’s and gossiping with her over lunch; Sunday dinner with the whole family – our tradition; 9 hours of sleep per night; and last but not least: having turkey for 6 meals :-).
*Happy day! Janelle’s old road bike is just sitting in her garage. She hasn’t had the heart to get rid of it because although it’s older, it is a really nice bike and still in good shape. She was bullied into getting her new bike – the newer fancier model, but she couldn’t tell much of a difference with her old bike! So… she said I could have her old road bike – yippee!!! Such a treat – I’m so lucky. It’s a great quality bike, and now I’ll have clip-in pedals and a road bike to do triathlons with. So happy! She’s going to mail it to me in Austin :-).
So, to start at the beginning – I took the dryable laundry in on the way to work Monday. I decided I could do the non-dryable at Janelle’s so that I never had to actually GO to a laundromat again – woohoo! I also picked up a chicken salad sandwich from a deli and took pictures of “Jane Street” – makes me smile every time I go to work because it’s Grandma’s name. Then had a regular day at work, with my exercise of course. Home, then had a Cuban sandwich for dinner which was tasty. While waiting for takeout these 2 guys at the bar flirted with me and talked to me. They were from Venezuela originally, but had been living in Florida and had just moved to New York (temporarily). So we had some things in common :-). One was cute, his friend though was drunk and less cute. I had fun chatting – he said to come back before Saturday, but alas I was going out of town. I guess Saturday he was moving back to Florida. Just when I was making connections! Anyway – stayed up late packing, but with great anticipation.
Tuesday – had to leave home at 9am to get to Newark. Although I had to lug my bag down 2 Aves and 2 Streets, take a subway, then a commuter train, then an airport tram – it was pretty slick :-). I made it. Got there around 10:30 for my noon flight. Actually although my flights were long, they were event-less and surprisingly on time for holiday travel! Guess I beat most people :-). I slept, did work, wrote emails, read. Great thing about this free Starbucks month of internet – tmobile is also in most airports – nifty! I went through Dallas which is part of what made the day so long. But I teared up because it was Texas… I was like “Ah, I promise I’ll be back soon!”. God, it’s time to go home :-). But I made it and gained time (going west), and made it only slightly late to my Aunt’s birthday dinner at her house! The lateness was due to an annoying and slow shuttle driver. And dinner was informal – Chinese food. But there were 11 of us :-). Normal day at Janelle’s house. I was overcome with happiness upon arrival – hugged everyone, even my cousin’s wife’s Mom. People I know, who know me! Family! Non-New York! Yay :-). I realized quickly that everyone had their own life around me, but that just gave me some time to myself to relax too. No shortage of things going on there though :-). Janelle opened presents, and we had a wonderful Chocolate Crème Brulee ala Jeff, my cousin. It was fantastic :-). Great way to start a vacation!
Wednesday I got up and ran around the fancy rich neighborhood (after lots of sleep). I felt free – it was in the 60s and sunny and beautiful. I can’t really complain when visiting Janelle. She is a great cook, gives me free time to do my thing, includes me on family things, always has a stocked kitchen, and makes me feel at home :-). She lives the good life too – not working, but doing fun activities and exercise almost everyday, plus lots of good wine at night :-). I love my family. Anyway – after lunch Janelle dropped me off at Grandma’s where Gram had set up a Mah Jongg game with her friends. She’s been teaching me to play with these awesome tiles from China (beautiful) that used to be HER Grandmother’s!! I think I inherit them – they are beautiful. And it’s such a fun game. There are some weird intricacies that I have to be reminded of, but it’s mostly like Gin Rummy which is so fun. I love games. So then Gram and I just visited the rest of the afternoon – talking about family, gossiping, telling stories. She asked me about my life – and I love that my family knows me enough to ask the real questions. I am open – I answer everything :-). And she told me neat stories about her life, moving around in the air force, and even Grandpa wooing her way back when! Love that :-). My Grandma is so sweet and kind and selfless and just lives for her family. She’s my favorite person in the world :-). So after visiting, we go down for a nice Webster House dinner. Awesome fresh warm soft rolls, soup, salad, entrée, and dessert for every meal. And pretty healthy too! This time the entrée was chicken with some veggie – can’t remember. And dessert was odd – a spice bread with sweet-marinated pears. But overall tasty :-).
Then Thanksgiving! I was in my pajamas most of the day helping my Aunt cook. Ok, I didn’t do too much (she’s so organized, my aunt). But we talked a lot and hung out – it was great fun. In the afternoon I decided to go for a bike ride and borrowed Janelle’s nice bike – a road bike with clip-in pedals! Ok, I didn’t clip in, but it had the low handlebars and everything. Took a bit of getting used to, but it was really fun to ride! And I went around another really cute woodsy neighborhood where tons of people were out walking around on Thanksgiving. Just put a smile on my face :-). And cute houses… So came back and had a great Thanksgiving meal – this time w/o my cousin’s family so it was just Aunt Janelle, Uncle Ken, Gram and me. But we had great things – cranberry salad, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, stuffing, rolls – I think that’s it. Then we had an apple tart for dessert – I helped with that. Although we also had a sweet potato pie a friend of Ken’s had brought over which was pretty tasty! Although I always love the apple things :-). So, nice quiet evening – I think we watched a neat Netflix movie with Scarlett Johansen and Helen Hunt – “A Good Woman”.
That night I finished my book – The Kite Runner. I read faster toward the end because it was really interesting. It is a FABULOUS book and I highly recommend it. A poignant story, and neat to hear about another culture and country (Afghanistan). So go read it if you haven’t! Love good books :-).
Ok – Friday entailed another run around the neighborhood on a sunny day. I could really get used to this idle time – sleeping a lot, exercising, eating a lot :-), playing games! Fun times. Then I borrowed Janelle’s bike again and biked the 3 or 4 miles to Grandma’s house!! We had leftover turkey together for lunch, and did more visiting and gossiping. Again, my Grandma is awesome and fun to hang out with. I had to leave before it got dark with the bike, so I left around 4 to get back to Janelle’s. Turns out the gang came over for Thanksgiving dinner reprise – Jeff, Michelle, Paola (Michelle’s Mom), and their boys – Luke and Hazen. Big crowd, but fun. And of course the food was all good again :-). That’s when we played Pictionary. So fun – love games! We randomly picked teams, but Jeff and Ken ended up together which was a mistake. I was with Michelle and Paola and Janelle were together. Let me just say Ken and Jeff are VERY intelligent and both awesome at games. They shouldn’t have been put together. Us other teams were 1/4 of the way through the board when they zoomed ahead, getting clue after clue, and basically won without us moving again at all. It was fun overall, and we had some laughs, but never again with the boys together! Some good almost clues: “smoking a bone” and something about tits that Ken said :-). Fun times.
Saturday was good, again. I hung out for the morning, then Janelle and I played tennis! I had brought my racket and was happy to play, although of course I sucked from lack of practice. I need to be more consistent! I only got 1 game off of Janelle in 2 sets. She was playing well. But it was a beautiful day, great to run around the courts again. Being on a tennis court does something to me – it’s like “I belong”. A confidence booster automatically! Then we basically got ready and went to hang out at Gram’s for the afternoon. We played some fun games – Rummikub and Sequence. And chatted. Then Janelle and Ken and I joined Gram for another great dinner at Webster House. This time we had salmon and spinach – yum. And Ken raved about their apple and fennel soup. And the dessert was only ok – strawberry baked Alaska. But another fun night at Webster House! And we watched Ocean’s Thirteen back at home, although I missed 1/2 hour of it – my eyelids were more interesting.
And Sunday – last day! I did work for the morning while Janelle played her weekly tennis game. Then we had a quick lunch and headed out for a brisk hike! The trail was paved, but it was we thought around 6 miles. It was surrounded by grass with cows, and trees. Felt pretty rural for being close to Stanford and a populous area. Neat views :-). But it was nice to just get out and hike and stretch my legs (despite right knee pain which I think is a pulled muscle). And of course – Janelle and I had a great hour and a half around the loop to talk :-). I love my family. We had good conversations – about life, cooking, managing things, kids, biking in other parts of the world, friends, priorities. It was fun to chat with her :-). Good to talk. And we talked about Grandma’s upcoming 90th birthday celebration next June. Anyway – I felt close to her and just happy. Exercise and good company – what more could I ask for? Then we came home and got ready for Sunday dinner! A tradition in my family – everyone gathers for a nice Sunday dinner. When I was little we always used to gather at Grandma’s house. Janelle had broccoli, a pear, cheese, walnut salad, and turkey burgers. Everything was tasty. Oh yeah – and the cheese and olive and mushroom empanada appetizers – yum. And wine of course. Everything was delicious! And of course the company – with Jeff’s family – was great. Fun times. And we had a surprised yummy dessert – Jeff cooked a peanut butter and chocolate tourtine (sp?). Very rich and beautifully plated and awesome :-). A definite treat for me!
Hope Gram had a good time – I know visits mean a lot to her. It was great to be able to see her everyday! And spend some quality time with her :-).
So today – went for my last run around the neighborhood (although my knee was hurting – ugh). It was chillier this morning, although still sunny. I could see my breath in clouds! And then came back, got ready, packed, and pretty much had to leave for the airport! Another long day back, but not too painful. It’s easy to keep myself busy :-). But will get home late…
And yes, there was some loneliness and overeating. But on the whole – a fabulous relaxing holiday which was just what I needed.
So family is awesome. Particularly my family. To me family is everything – closer than friends (although I’m working on it). I am close with them and we are similar. I could go to any of my aunt’s houses and have an awesome time. And to my 13 cousin’s houses too, although I know some of them less well. But we are all awesome and good people. And I am glad we are close – they have made me who I am – my whole family structure and culture. Of course my Mom had a big hand in that of course, but I’m saying it’s just who my family is – how my Grandma and Grandpa raised the 4 girls. We are close, and all well-educated, and all know “the good life”. My Grandpa’s famous quote. So I realize while my family doesn’t know what I do day-to-day, they KNOW me. They know who I am from the inside. Because I am them. We understand each other’s interworkings, and ways of operating and organizing and thinking because we are similar. And that’s comforting! Maybe disturbing too :-). But for me it was a breath of fresh air. With friends there is always an adjustment period – getting used to each other’s habits, or finding each other’s limits or tolerances. I know where I am with my family. And they know me. And we are just automatically close because of that even if we don’t talk very often. It’s very neat that way. And I noticed things Janelle does that are just like my Mom. Or me. We are all control-freaks :-). And you don’t have to explain your view of the world or explain you are genuine. She knows. She knows you like wine with dinner. Our models are similar :-). And that’s comforting. So even though I wasn’t going home to Mom’s house, I still felt some level of just happy comfort and understanding being at Janelle’s. And maybe THAT is what I am thankful for this year :-).
And thankful I’m only in New York 1 more week baby! Austin – I’m coming home soon :-).
Monday, November 19, 2007
Coming to work today, it started snowing! Ok, so they were teeny flakes and the didn't stick, and you only knew it was snowing because the drops sort of fluttered down making a sinusoidal curve - moving with the wind instead of just straight down. But snow! Sorta fun! And it's cold, but not too cold today. There are a lot more leaves down now by work - more bare trees. And on the way up colors aren't bright red and yellow anymore - now more rusty and darker. But still pretty :-). Ah, fall.
Check out my LONG post below about the weekend...
P.S. Why is it that I'm addicted to all things bad for me? Everything baked really - breads, cookies, muffins, sweets - carbohydrates basically :-).
Check out my LONG post below about the weekend...
P.S. Why is it that I'm addicted to all things bad for me? Everything baked really - breads, cookies, muffins, sweets - carbohydrates basically :-).
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Holly and I are moving to South Africa together and opening a Cupcake shop
I had a FABULOUS weekend! Did you expect me to say that? :-). I was really due for a great weekend. Seriously. Friday was sorta a darker day for me, but Saturday and Sunday - Jenn was BACK! I'm so thankful. Saturday I left my house and didn't return for 15 hours! And this despite the frigid cold this weekend. Sunday I had some great times in the city too, although not for as many hours :-).
So - I left you Friday at the coffee shop. I don't know why Fridays aren't so good for me. I think it's just been tough here at my 3rd place - after the move. Home isn't really homey and work is work, so I don't look forward to much besides mealtimes. But anyway - I went to a show lined up for me by nice people - yay a NY in! I really wasn't much up for it by myself, but I went - walked almost 2 miles down there. Club called Knitting Factory. Unforuntately I missed the first bit of Ingrid Michaelson, but I really enjoyed her show! She was quiet - most songs was just her singing simple emotional songs with a guitar. She also played keyboard, so she won me over :-). And she had a band - the were with her some of the time. And she was funny - just talked to the audience a bunch too. Fun. So I was allowed to stay for the 2nd show later that night, so in the mean time I went to a Korean restaurant around the corner that was recommended. Holy cow! Korean food's awesome. This place was awesome. I had some really tasty ginger tea - with real ginger. I had a dish that was very tasty - don't know the Korean name (4 3-letter words), but it was sort of a stir-fried squid and vegie dish with a red chili (hot - made my nose run) sauce. Some thin noodles on the side. So yummy. And kimchee on the side - fermented cabbage with some hotness. I forgot to mention earlier, but one day in Union Square I was given a book of Korean fairy tales, and in there there was a fairytale that explained how kimchee came about :-). I indulged and got green tea ice cream too, for dessert :-). Highlight of the night. Then went back for the 2nd show, although had to stand for an hour waiting which was annoying. But heard an "instrumental metal" band called Grail. Very interesting. The drummer/guitar guy was hot. They had 3 guitars and drums, and some synthesizer thing that reverberates song for 2 minutes after it actually hits the microphone. Loud stuff, but good beat. People head-banded a bit. No words. Interesting stuff. Enjoyable. What struck me was the 180 from the 1st show. The headlining band didn't go on until 12:30 and I listened to a song (similar to Grail's sound), and left. Tired. It was so frigid, but the subway wasn't stopping when I tried to go down there, so I walked back for 30 minutes. My legs were numb I swear. So, I can't do less than 40 it turns out :-).
Slept in Saturday, but during my night out Friday, got a call from Holly that said she was coming into the city for the day Saturday! So awesome! Holly is my childhood friend from Salt Lake. We basically were raised together. Her Mom - Morrena - basically helped raised me when I was young - she had my bro and I while Mom worked. I had a lot of fun at their house, and they are awesome people. Funny memories - sledding down the stairs on sleeping bags, and us jumping off the washing machine into piles of clothes (where Holly knocked out her 2 front teeth). Yeah - childhood :-). So I was so excited when she said she was coming in - she's now nannying in Connecticut. So she called when she got in, and woke me up :-). But I went to meet them. Her and her friend were doing a food tour of the city. How could I not join? They wanted to try a bunch of places that they'd heard were fabulous and different. First I'll tell you where we went, then impressions :-). So I met them first at "Rice to Riches" - an awesome rice pudding place. It was like ice cream - they had 25 flavors and toppings and all. And they were very creamy and tasty. I got egg nog :-). But they had rocky road, pumpkin, cheesecake, french toast, caramel, chocolate chip, you name it! Rich and tasty. And they had really funny signs around like "Eat as much as you want, you are already fat!". Cracked me up. They even mail-order rice pudding. Then we stopped by Dean and Deluca - specialty grocery shop. Very cool place! Along the way we got Holly a hat, scarf, and gloves at booths on the street - she was cold :-). I got some neat hugging people salt shakers on the street too :-). Then we headed to Katz's Deli which I've wanted to try. It was really crowded but we managed to get a table and order pastrami and corned beef sandwiches and fries and rootbeer. Pretty tasty, although the meat was a bit fatty. At this point Holly's other nanny friend also joined us. Then we all went to Max Brenner's Chocolate Shop together. Besides Starbucks - I might've been to that place the most of any other in the city! 2 of the girls got hot chocolate, and Holly and I shared 2 desserts which was too much. We got hazelnut cream crepes, and chocolate pizza with peanut butter and marshmellows :-). Holy cow sugar rush. But so tasty.
So impressions. It was so fun! So good to hang out with girls and just gab. And Holly and I haven't met for like 7 years, and haven't really been in touch much since I moved away from Salt Lake 16 years ago :-). But we totally hit it off! Had so much to talk about and got along so well. She's such an awesome person - she inspires me. And she totally reminds me of her Mom - with some of her facial expressions and laugh. She said I remind her of my Mom too :-). And I have the same voice as I did in kindergarten - how funny! How people are ingrained on your memory. So she nannys and does cooking - wants to go to culinary school. She told me even when we were young, she was the right brained person and I was the left (good at Math), and nothing's changed. Why is it that everyone remembered my past better than I do? But that's awesome still. So we caught each other up. We talked about boys - about being "menaces" for not being married already. Pressure is worse on her because she's Mormon. But still. We agreed we have days where there is so much we want to do and see and travel everywhere and we aren't ready to settle down yet; then there are days where it'd be nice to have a husband and think about kids. Shared experience! So fun to relate and just talk about life and not have to eat alone! I just can't tell you how much that lifted my spirits. And it was crazy to hear about the nanny life which is totally different than mine. Taking care of other's people kids sounds tough. Although Holly has it pretty good - free room and board, free food, free Lexus to drive, free trips over holidays to London, Costa Rica, Italy. :-). But you are at the whim of the parents. How different than my life. I tried to explain my life - I hope they got it. They did like that my field is FULL of men, although I tried to explain that too :-). Funny. And Holly and I reminisced about Salt Lake. How long has it been since I've done THAT?! I miss people I can reminisce with - especially that far back! And we totally bonded over travel! Oh we love it. Hence the title. Holly's lived in South Africa and volunteered with orphans there, and has a ton of friends and even people she calls family there. So she wants to go back and live there (sometimes), and heck, I wouldn't mind either! Sounds like a beautiful place, even if people say it's dangerous. More adventure! And the cupcake shop is Holly wanting to do something culinary and work for herself, so I told her how hot cupcakes are, and that's going to be her new business :-). I'll help - and sell coffee there too :-). MMmm coffee. Anyway, it was a fabulous day of a lot of good food. I have pictures - I'll have to deal with them soon :-). But awesome day! We capped it off with some shopping at a funky store, and then parting. I was sad to see them go!
So I was up for more adventure after that, so I took a subway to Columbus Circle because they had a neat light show thing in Time Warner Shopping Center Building. Lit up stars that change color to music. Beautiful! I took some pictures of that too :-). And enjoyed an eggnog latte. Hung out until I met friend Mo who wanted to grab a late dinner. So we ended up at Jules Bistro that has live Jazz and French food. The live Jazz was awesome, except it didn't last long. The food was hit or miss. Mo got a good wine, and we had an awesome cheese plate with 3 cheeses. Wish I could remember the ones that weren't brie. Mo got grilled calamari and hated it, but it wasn't fried and it was chewy. They were out of the scallops which we both wanted. So I got veal and Mo got a white fish. The veal was chewy and the fish was not flavorful, but I got a side dish of gorgonzola gnocchi which was very awesome! So yeah... But nice to be out with a friend again, just hanging. Mo keeps telling me he'll miss me. It's sad - I can't wait to go home, but I'm really going to miss here too. This city has some awesome things that I've gotten used to. I love that it's a late night city and people are young and out all the time. I love walking everywhere, I love the neighborhood's personality changes. So many neat things. And I feel I know the city now - have walked everywhere, and taken almost every subway :-). Fun times. So I finally treated myself to a cab home because I was sick of being cold :-).
Sunday! I think my endorphines were high from yesterday. Got up late, but got going right away. Did a Pilates 52 minute workout at home because 41 degrees and rainy isn't really exercise-enticing. Then showered, and went out for brunch - at like 2:30pm :-). Went to the West Village to a place called Cornelius Street Cafe which my carpool guy recommended. Got the brunch combo - yum. Coffee, blueberry lemon muffin, a mimosa, and an omelette with red peppers, onion, mushrooms, and cheese. Love brunch! Although I realize I never get pancakes or french toast - things like that - because I can make them at home. Note to self - when I get back to Austin, make these things for myself! So I wandering walking for awhile and shopped! Holly had inspired me - I bought a neat funky winter hat for myself - sort of crocheted with various greens and it has a small bill. Cute :-). Picked up some gifts for people for Christmas - think I really scored. Got a New York hoodie for myself which I had been wanting. Hope the brown one is ok, and wish the arms were a bit longer, but it's all good. I made a deal with the Indian shopkeeper becasue I was in there for so long :-). So I wandered down Bleecker and found cool shops. I like the little shops and street fairs better than the big expensive stores people shop at along 5th Ave or Broadway. That's just me. Think I got everyone's Christmas pretty much figured out. Awesome :-). And had fun shopping. Broadway is a great street for funky shopping. Then I crossed over for a second to Little Italy and got a cannoli treat :-). Had been wanting to do that. Found myself a neat Empire State keychain. Geez do they sell so much touristy stuff! It's insane. So basically walked around forever. Hate t hat it gets dark so early! Finally ended up back at Union Square after 7pm. I'd been wanting to try this beer at a local brewery that I'd seen advertised - Smiling Pumpkin Ale at Heartland Brewery. So that was my last stop - and they were out of the beer! What? I was sad. But it's me, so I called and found another of their locations that had it :-). So after heating up leftovers on the stove (I'm getting good at that) and eating a quick dinner of Korean food and garlic knots, I headed out to Empire State Building area for beer :-). It was a great atmosphere - I actually stayed there for an hour and a half watching New England play Buffalo on TV. Yay TV! Pumpkin Ale was good - pretty mild on the pumpkin. Then I tried another one - Bavarian Black Lager which was caramely and awesome :-). Chatted with this guy at the bar next to me from Pittsburgh who loved the Steelers. Apparently they were beaten by the Jets today which was amazing. It was nice and relaxing. I didn't want to leave! But the Patriots were just bowling over Buffalo who was sucking... Anyway - so my internet connection at home dropped - can't find my usual one and all the others suck. I hate this! So I brought my computer and went to a Starbucks to do internet-stuff for awhile. Love that that is just easy :-). And Starbucks is still packed at midnight in Union Square :-). So although today was too short, I had a great day :-). Now I'm getting antsy about doing everything before I leave - one more weekend! I found out there will be a Christmas Market in Union Square starting next week!
So, that was my fabulous weekend and now I need to go to bed! Happy Thanksgiving week!
So - I left you Friday at the coffee shop. I don't know why Fridays aren't so good for me. I think it's just been tough here at my 3rd place - after the move. Home isn't really homey and work is work, so I don't look forward to much besides mealtimes. But anyway - I went to a show lined up for me by nice people - yay a NY in! I really wasn't much up for it by myself, but I went - walked almost 2 miles down there. Club called Knitting Factory. Unforuntately I missed the first bit of Ingrid Michaelson, but I really enjoyed her show! She was quiet - most songs was just her singing simple emotional songs with a guitar. She also played keyboard, so she won me over :-). And she had a band - the were with her some of the time. And she was funny - just talked to the audience a bunch too. Fun. So I was allowed to stay for the 2nd show later that night, so in the mean time I went to a Korean restaurant around the corner that was recommended. Holy cow! Korean food's awesome. This place was awesome. I had some really tasty ginger tea - with real ginger. I had a dish that was very tasty - don't know the Korean name (4 3-letter words), but it was sort of a stir-fried squid and vegie dish with a red chili (hot - made my nose run) sauce. Some thin noodles on the side. So yummy. And kimchee on the side - fermented cabbage with some hotness. I forgot to mention earlier, but one day in Union Square I was given a book of Korean fairy tales, and in there there was a fairytale that explained how kimchee came about :-). I indulged and got green tea ice cream too, for dessert :-). Highlight of the night. Then went back for the 2nd show, although had to stand for an hour waiting which was annoying. But heard an "instrumental metal" band called Grail. Very interesting. The drummer/guitar guy was hot. They had 3 guitars and drums, and some synthesizer thing that reverberates song for 2 minutes after it actually hits the microphone. Loud stuff, but good beat. People head-banded a bit. No words. Interesting stuff. Enjoyable. What struck me was the 180 from the 1st show. The headlining band didn't go on until 12:30 and I listened to a song (similar to Grail's sound), and left. Tired. It was so frigid, but the subway wasn't stopping when I tried to go down there, so I walked back for 30 minutes. My legs were numb I swear. So, I can't do less than 40 it turns out :-).
Slept in Saturday, but during my night out Friday, got a call from Holly that said she was coming into the city for the day Saturday! So awesome! Holly is my childhood friend from Salt Lake. We basically were raised together. Her Mom - Morrena - basically helped raised me when I was young - she had my bro and I while Mom worked. I had a lot of fun at their house, and they are awesome people. Funny memories - sledding down the stairs on sleeping bags, and us jumping off the washing machine into piles of clothes (where Holly knocked out her 2 front teeth). Yeah - childhood :-). So I was so excited when she said she was coming in - she's now nannying in Connecticut. So she called when she got in, and woke me up :-). But I went to meet them. Her and her friend were doing a food tour of the city. How could I not join? They wanted to try a bunch of places that they'd heard were fabulous and different. First I'll tell you where we went, then impressions :-). So I met them first at "Rice to Riches" - an awesome rice pudding place. It was like ice cream - they had 25 flavors and toppings and all. And they were very creamy and tasty. I got egg nog :-). But they had rocky road, pumpkin, cheesecake, french toast, caramel, chocolate chip, you name it! Rich and tasty. And they had really funny signs around like "Eat as much as you want, you are already fat!". Cracked me up. They even mail-order rice pudding. Then we stopped by Dean and Deluca - specialty grocery shop. Very cool place! Along the way we got Holly a hat, scarf, and gloves at booths on the street - she was cold :-). I got some neat hugging people salt shakers on the street too :-). Then we headed to Katz's Deli which I've wanted to try. It was really crowded but we managed to get a table and order pastrami and corned beef sandwiches and fries and rootbeer. Pretty tasty, although the meat was a bit fatty. At this point Holly's other nanny friend also joined us. Then we all went to Max Brenner's Chocolate Shop together. Besides Starbucks - I might've been to that place the most of any other in the city! 2 of the girls got hot chocolate, and Holly and I shared 2 desserts which was too much. We got hazelnut cream crepes, and chocolate pizza with peanut butter and marshmellows :-). Holy cow sugar rush. But so tasty.
So impressions. It was so fun! So good to hang out with girls and just gab. And Holly and I haven't met for like 7 years, and haven't really been in touch much since I moved away from Salt Lake 16 years ago :-). But we totally hit it off! Had so much to talk about and got along so well. She's such an awesome person - she inspires me. And she totally reminds me of her Mom - with some of her facial expressions and laugh. She said I remind her of my Mom too :-). And I have the same voice as I did in kindergarten - how funny! How people are ingrained on your memory. So she nannys and does cooking - wants to go to culinary school. She told me even when we were young, she was the right brained person and I was the left (good at Math), and nothing's changed. Why is it that everyone remembered my past better than I do? But that's awesome still. So we caught each other up. We talked about boys - about being "menaces" for not being married already. Pressure is worse on her because she's Mormon. But still. We agreed we have days where there is so much we want to do and see and travel everywhere and we aren't ready to settle down yet; then there are days where it'd be nice to have a husband and think about kids. Shared experience! So fun to relate and just talk about life and not have to eat alone! I just can't tell you how much that lifted my spirits. And it was crazy to hear about the nanny life which is totally different than mine. Taking care of other's people kids sounds tough. Although Holly has it pretty good - free room and board, free food, free Lexus to drive, free trips over holidays to London, Costa Rica, Italy. :-). But you are at the whim of the parents. How different than my life. I tried to explain my life - I hope they got it. They did like that my field is FULL of men, although I tried to explain that too :-). Funny. And Holly and I reminisced about Salt Lake. How long has it been since I've done THAT?! I miss people I can reminisce with - especially that far back! And we totally bonded over travel! Oh we love it. Hence the title. Holly's lived in South Africa and volunteered with orphans there, and has a ton of friends and even people she calls family there. So she wants to go back and live there (sometimes), and heck, I wouldn't mind either! Sounds like a beautiful place, even if people say it's dangerous. More adventure! And the cupcake shop is Holly wanting to do something culinary and work for herself, so I told her how hot cupcakes are, and that's going to be her new business :-). I'll help - and sell coffee there too :-). MMmm coffee. Anyway, it was a fabulous day of a lot of good food. I have pictures - I'll have to deal with them soon :-). But awesome day! We capped it off with some shopping at a funky store, and then parting. I was sad to see them go!
So I was up for more adventure after that, so I took a subway to Columbus Circle because they had a neat light show thing in Time Warner Shopping Center Building. Lit up stars that change color to music. Beautiful! I took some pictures of that too :-). And enjoyed an eggnog latte. Hung out until I met friend Mo who wanted to grab a late dinner. So we ended up at Jules Bistro that has live Jazz and French food. The live Jazz was awesome, except it didn't last long. The food was hit or miss. Mo got a good wine, and we had an awesome cheese plate with 3 cheeses. Wish I could remember the ones that weren't brie. Mo got grilled calamari and hated it, but it wasn't fried and it was chewy. They were out of the scallops which we both wanted. So I got veal and Mo got a white fish. The veal was chewy and the fish was not flavorful, but I got a side dish of gorgonzola gnocchi which was very awesome! So yeah... But nice to be out with a friend again, just hanging. Mo keeps telling me he'll miss me. It's sad - I can't wait to go home, but I'm really going to miss here too. This city has some awesome things that I've gotten used to. I love that it's a late night city and people are young and out all the time. I love walking everywhere, I love the neighborhood's personality changes. So many neat things. And I feel I know the city now - have walked everywhere, and taken almost every subway :-). Fun times. So I finally treated myself to a cab home because I was sick of being cold :-).
Sunday! I think my endorphines were high from yesterday. Got up late, but got going right away. Did a Pilates 52 minute workout at home because 41 degrees and rainy isn't really exercise-enticing. Then showered, and went out for brunch - at like 2:30pm :-). Went to the West Village to a place called Cornelius Street Cafe which my carpool guy recommended. Got the brunch combo - yum. Coffee, blueberry lemon muffin, a mimosa, and an omelette with red peppers, onion, mushrooms, and cheese. Love brunch! Although I realize I never get pancakes or french toast - things like that - because I can make them at home. Note to self - when I get back to Austin, make these things for myself! So I wandering walking for awhile and shopped! Holly had inspired me - I bought a neat funky winter hat for myself - sort of crocheted with various greens and it has a small bill. Cute :-). Picked up some gifts for people for Christmas - think I really scored. Got a New York hoodie for myself which I had been wanting. Hope the brown one is ok, and wish the arms were a bit longer, but it's all good. I made a deal with the Indian shopkeeper becasue I was in there for so long :-). So I wandered down Bleecker and found cool shops. I like the little shops and street fairs better than the big expensive stores people shop at along 5th Ave or Broadway. That's just me. Think I got everyone's Christmas pretty much figured out. Awesome :-). And had fun shopping. Broadway is a great street for funky shopping. Then I crossed over for a second to Little Italy and got a cannoli treat :-). Had been wanting to do that. Found myself a neat Empire State keychain. Geez do they sell so much touristy stuff! It's insane. So basically walked around forever. Hate t hat it gets dark so early! Finally ended up back at Union Square after 7pm. I'd been wanting to try this beer at a local brewery that I'd seen advertised - Smiling Pumpkin Ale at Heartland Brewery. So that was my last stop - and they were out of the beer! What? I was sad. But it's me, so I called and found another of their locations that had it :-). So after heating up leftovers on the stove (I'm getting good at that) and eating a quick dinner of Korean food and garlic knots, I headed out to Empire State Building area for beer :-). It was a great atmosphere - I actually stayed there for an hour and a half watching New England play Buffalo on TV. Yay TV! Pumpkin Ale was good - pretty mild on the pumpkin. Then I tried another one - Bavarian Black Lager which was caramely and awesome :-). Chatted with this guy at the bar next to me from Pittsburgh who loved the Steelers. Apparently they were beaten by the Jets today which was amazing. It was nice and relaxing. I didn't want to leave! But the Patriots were just bowling over Buffalo who was sucking... Anyway - so my internet connection at home dropped - can't find my usual one and all the others suck. I hate this! So I brought my computer and went to a Starbucks to do internet-stuff for awhile. Love that that is just easy :-). And Starbucks is still packed at midnight in Union Square :-). So although today was too short, I had a great day :-). Now I'm getting antsy about doing everything before I leave - one more weekend! I found out there will be a Christmas Market in Union Square starting next week!
So, that was my fabulous weekend and now I need to go to bed! Happy Thanksgiving week!
Friday, November 16, 2007
I like Purple Carrots
Yes, mighty tasty. Purple cauliflower is about the same as normal.
So I've cooked at home 3 days this week! Ok, ok, aided by Whole Foods each time :-). Love that place. Went Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. It's amazing what you can do with time and boredom. Need a bit of motivation too. I have so much time up here - wish I had friends here to go out with! I think I've become a real New Yorker because I don't want to do anything anymore. Maybe it's the chilly weather, but I sorta just want to whole in at home and relax. Don't care about discovering new restaurants or adventuring or seeing everything I hear about. I'm ready to go home.
But back to cooking - had some good salads (despite the fact our little fridge is too cold and eveyrhting has ice on it). Wednesday I cooked brussel sprouts! I was very proud of myself - my "trying new vegetables" campaign. Even found out the stove works :-). But Mom - don't understand why you don't like them - they are pretty good. :-). Wednesday I got some stuffed chicken (with apples and fontina) and a ring of squash to go with them. Pretty good. And Thursday I got some awesome pizza at Whole Foods and chowed that down - got "Black and White" which had olive tapenade and mozzarella with tomatoes too. And a slice of Mediterranean vegie with tomatoes, artichockes and lots of colorful olives. Fun :-). Also got a gingerbread cookie for dessert - yum. And been enjoying Starbucks gingerbread lattes :-). Everything pumpkin and gingerbread - can't go wrong. Tuesday I sort of invited myself to get dinner with my mentor because he gave me a ride to the train station. Got some pumpkin soup and a salad. Again yum. The cold really justifies things like soup and boots and scarves and hats which we have down south, but I never really took advantage of. So yeah - good week. And there's been some problem with my Netflix this week, but I discovered streaming TV on ABC's website so that's fun :-). At work I've been getting into possible new projects - they are pretty exciting. Some are a little wacky even :-). Enticing.
Had some coffee cake this morning for breakfast - also from Whole Foods. I've been craving my Mom's - this was actually pretty close. Then I braved the cold with my many layers to go on a bike ride again! It was sunny, but in the low 40s and the problem was really the WIND! Wind sucks, let me tell you. I didn't experience it the whole ride, but when I did, it sucked. Once I really thought it was pushing me so much that my bike wasn't making forward progress! But it was :-). Went up to the park again - this time trying different streets - up 8th Ave and down 7th. I'd say don't ever go down 7th btw - it includes Time Square which is very slow to move through. But anyway - braved the streets - I get better manuevering around cars and cabs every time. And went to the park - beautiful! Love that place. And now it's way more colorful and leaves were actually falling all over too - very pretty. Saw some awesome reds and yellows. So calming. And passed all my favorite spots - went over to look at my stone bridge, too. Even though it's hilly, that is just one of my favorite things - riding around that park. It's the best :-). And I kept toasty - even was over-warm sometimes, but better that than the alternative.
Another thing I'm really going to miss is the Empire State Building. I don't really know why - maybe it's all the movies I've watched about it. The statue has more symbolism, but I just love randomly gazing up into the sky and catching a glimpse of the tall building. I look at it everyday from the highway we drive to go to work. Every night I check what color it is lit up with. My favorite was purple-green-yellow :-). And I love that I can walk 100 feet down to 5th Ave and peek up at it. It's reassuring somehow - watching over me. Even though you can't see it from everywhere, you pass a certain street, and you can see it again. Lovely :-).
So, another weekend in the city... Sigh. It's less inviting now. I had a good lunch at "Chat n' Chew" on my street - very cute place. Had butternut squash soup and fish tacos - yum. And have a "free pass" to get into a cool club for a show tonight - thanks to Naveen's friend of friend. I'm seeing Ingrid Michaelson even though I don't know her. :-). Should be fun. And I want to go see Avenue Q this weekend, although the damn stage hands are striking, so that might be out. We'll see. But I can't wait until Tuesday - I wing to the bay for Thanksgiving with family - yay!! Stoked :-). Happy weekend all...
So I've cooked at home 3 days this week! Ok, ok, aided by Whole Foods each time :-). Love that place. Went Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. It's amazing what you can do with time and boredom. Need a bit of motivation too. I have so much time up here - wish I had friends here to go out with! I think I've become a real New Yorker because I don't want to do anything anymore. Maybe it's the chilly weather, but I sorta just want to whole in at home and relax. Don't care about discovering new restaurants or adventuring or seeing everything I hear about. I'm ready to go home.
But back to cooking - had some good salads (despite the fact our little fridge is too cold and eveyrhting has ice on it). Wednesday I cooked brussel sprouts! I was very proud of myself - my "trying new vegetables" campaign. Even found out the stove works :-). But Mom - don't understand why you don't like them - they are pretty good. :-). Wednesday I got some stuffed chicken (with apples and fontina) and a ring of squash to go with them. Pretty good. And Thursday I got some awesome pizza at Whole Foods and chowed that down - got "Black and White" which had olive tapenade and mozzarella with tomatoes too. And a slice of Mediterranean vegie with tomatoes, artichockes and lots of colorful olives. Fun :-). Also got a gingerbread cookie for dessert - yum. And been enjoying Starbucks gingerbread lattes :-). Everything pumpkin and gingerbread - can't go wrong. Tuesday I sort of invited myself to get dinner with my mentor because he gave me a ride to the train station. Got some pumpkin soup and a salad. Again yum. The cold really justifies things like soup and boots and scarves and hats which we have down south, but I never really took advantage of. So yeah - good week. And there's been some problem with my Netflix this week, but I discovered streaming TV on ABC's website so that's fun :-). At work I've been getting into possible new projects - they are pretty exciting. Some are a little wacky even :-). Enticing.
Had some coffee cake this morning for breakfast - also from Whole Foods. I've been craving my Mom's - this was actually pretty close. Then I braved the cold with my many layers to go on a bike ride again! It was sunny, but in the low 40s and the problem was really the WIND! Wind sucks, let me tell you. I didn't experience it the whole ride, but when I did, it sucked. Once I really thought it was pushing me so much that my bike wasn't making forward progress! But it was :-). Went up to the park again - this time trying different streets - up 8th Ave and down 7th. I'd say don't ever go down 7th btw - it includes Time Square which is very slow to move through. But anyway - braved the streets - I get better manuevering around cars and cabs every time. And went to the park - beautiful! Love that place. And now it's way more colorful and leaves were actually falling all over too - very pretty. Saw some awesome reds and yellows. So calming. And passed all my favorite spots - went over to look at my stone bridge, too. Even though it's hilly, that is just one of my favorite things - riding around that park. It's the best :-). And I kept toasty - even was over-warm sometimes, but better that than the alternative.
Another thing I'm really going to miss is the Empire State Building. I don't really know why - maybe it's all the movies I've watched about it. The statue has more symbolism, but I just love randomly gazing up into the sky and catching a glimpse of the tall building. I look at it everyday from the highway we drive to go to work. Every night I check what color it is lit up with. My favorite was purple-green-yellow :-). And I love that I can walk 100 feet down to 5th Ave and peek up at it. It's reassuring somehow - watching over me. Even though you can't see it from everywhere, you pass a certain street, and you can see it again. Lovely :-).
So, another weekend in the city... Sigh. It's less inviting now. I had a good lunch at "Chat n' Chew" on my street - very cute place. Had butternut squash soup and fish tacos - yum. And have a "free pass" to get into a cool club for a show tonight - thanks to Naveen's friend of friend. I'm seeing Ingrid Michaelson even though I don't know her. :-). Should be fun. And I want to go see Avenue Q this weekend, although the damn stage hands are striking, so that might be out. We'll see. But I can't wait until Tuesday - I wing to the bay for Thanksgiving with family - yay!! Stoked :-). Happy weekend all...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Peculiarities of my Apartment
So I was just hanging out in my apartment (my mausoleum), and thinking about peculiarities. BTW, CHECK OUT the last 2 posts from yesterday too...
1) The only toilet is in a walk-in closet accessible from the living room/kitchen area. There are no other bathroomy things in the room - no sinks or anything.
2) I use the kitchen sink as my only sink - for food, dishes, teeth brushing, etc.
3) The ceilings in my room (living room) are about 20 feet up, and the room is really spacious - very odd for Manhattan. There's an awesome skylight at the top. It's fun to hear it raining on the skylight.
4) In said large living room, there is a small radiator in 1 corner that is about 1/2 or 1/3 the size of the large radiator in the bedroom in the back (my roommate's) - and the bedroom is about 1/2 to 1/3 the size of this living room. Inverse proportions.
5) The only real bathroom is only accessible from the back bedroom - but it has no toilet. That's where I shower in an old-fashioned tub with claws - has to have (3) shower curtains all the way around it to keep water out of the bathroom. However, I have to open the shower curtains to get to my shampoo and soap. But one of the shower curtains is a map of the world, so I like analyzing it :-). But there's no shower mat.
6) There are books and plants everywhere in my living room. But nothing looks used. The TV sure isn't and the kitchen sure isn't (including a mini fridge).
7) I'm pretty sure my roommate stole makeup pads from me. It's ok because I stole them from Sephora's sample trial stuff they had out. But I saw one in the bathroom today with makeup on it, and I'm pretty sure my roommate (who doesn't shower and rarely uses the toilet - never when I'm home) doesn't wear makeup because she works at a spa. But for never showering here, she has a ton of bathroom products in the bathroom!
8) There are no clocks.
Fun stuff :-). But I've made my bed into a kind of fort for myself - yippee :-).
1) The only toilet is in a walk-in closet accessible from the living room/kitchen area. There are no other bathroomy things in the room - no sinks or anything.
2) I use the kitchen sink as my only sink - for food, dishes, teeth brushing, etc.
3) The ceilings in my room (living room) are about 20 feet up, and the room is really spacious - very odd for Manhattan. There's an awesome skylight at the top. It's fun to hear it raining on the skylight.
4) In said large living room, there is a small radiator in 1 corner that is about 1/2 or 1/3 the size of the large radiator in the bedroom in the back (my roommate's) - and the bedroom is about 1/2 to 1/3 the size of this living room. Inverse proportions.
5) The only real bathroom is only accessible from the back bedroom - but it has no toilet. That's where I shower in an old-fashioned tub with claws - has to have (3) shower curtains all the way around it to keep water out of the bathroom. However, I have to open the shower curtains to get to my shampoo and soap. But one of the shower curtains is a map of the world, so I like analyzing it :-). But there's no shower mat.
6) There are books and plants everywhere in my living room. But nothing looks used. The TV sure isn't and the kitchen sure isn't (including a mini fridge).
7) I'm pretty sure my roommate stole makeup pads from me. It's ok because I stole them from Sephora's sample trial stuff they had out. But I saw one in the bathroom today with makeup on it, and I'm pretty sure my roommate (who doesn't shower and rarely uses the toilet - never when I'm home) doesn't wear makeup because she works at a spa. But for never showering here, she has a ton of bathroom products in the bathroom!
8) There are no clocks.
Fun stuff :-). But I've made my bed into a kind of fort for myself - yippee :-).
Monday, November 12, 2007
I Can Do 40
I'm referring to the temperature people :-). And I can do 40 degrees because I had to last week - brrr! Surprisingly, I had a good weekend. I will explain, but first:
I BOUGHT A TICKET TO COME BACK TO AUSTIN!! WOOHOO! I'm coming back December 5th - that's a Wednesday people. Be ready :-).
Ok, back to life. So I left off last Wednesday. Last Wednesday I went over to my friend's house - Mo, softball guy. He had gone to the hospital Tuesday and was all doped up and home sick and all, so I went to keep him company. I offered to bring food, but we ended up ordering Chinese for delivery at his place. No worries about what he had - he had gotten a cut on his neck infected, and was on antibiotics and pain meds. So yeah. So we decided to watch a movie, and he said I'd love the movie "The Doors" basically about Jim Morrison. We watched it - oh my God, it was scary! I don't know that that was the intended effect, but it scared the crap out of me. Maybe I have control issues, but how can a man be that reckless with his life? How can he abuse his body that much? Eeek - scary. Interesting movie, though.
Thursday I got bullied by Mo to go to a concert. Well, he had tickets and his friend bailed on him. I didn't feel like going, but I did. To Paul Lesh - he was part of Grateful Dead in the day. The theater (in Time Square) was really nice, and in the end I'm glad I went. It was nice music to just sit and listen to, even if you didn't know it. They did "improv rock" so I swear in their 2 hour sets, they played 5 songs in each - the songs just lasted forever. One band member would just go off on a tangent for awhile, and then they'd come back and then another would go off... crazy. The audience was interesting - older crown - 40-60 and sorta hippies. But nice :-). But I was tired and we stood for hours, so we left a little before it ended officially.
So Friday - which I count as the weekend. I slept a lot this weekend. It was very nice to sleep a lot - slept in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and napped Friday and Saturday too :-). One reason is that my TV doesn't work - never could figure it out. So my place is quiet and there's not much to do. I read a bunch too - good thing I have a good book - "Kite Runner". And I'm listening to my music more. I finally made myself leave the house on Friday around 2 I think - went out to the Union Square Farmer's Market. Very fun, as usual, but different than Saturdays which is bigger. But got vegies, which makes me happy. Including brussel sprouts to try cooking, and purple carrots, and purple cauliflower :-). And got some apple cider and cider donuts - yum. Amazing that though it was a cold, rainy day, the farmer's market always cheers me up :-). So I brought my spoils back to the apartment (a block away), and got my computer to go to a coffee shop. I got food at a cute bakery in Union Square, but had troubles with their internet. But the leek quiche was tasty :-). So I went across to Starbucks and had good internet :-). Worked there for awhile, and I hate how it's dark before 5pm these days. But it was still rainy and cold, and my experiments were just running, so I decided to go to a movie. Went and saw "Gone Baby Gone" in a theater a block away :-). Very good movie - I liked the twist and the ending. I only go to movies now that rate highly on Rotten Tomatoes. :-). So I went back to Starbucks, checked on my jobs, and then walked to "Restaurant Row" to get Indonesian food, because I'm weird. Although it was rainy and cold and the walk was probably close to 3 miles, I had fun because I talked to Mary the whole time! Halleluah for friends :-). Always nice to chat. Lifts me up a bit. It'll be interesting to go back to my house in Austin :-). So I get my Indonesian food. I'm getting used to eating alone. I get a price fixed thing where I can try like 10 things. I really loved their peanut sauce and their shrimp crispy chips. I didn't like all the entree stuff, though. The chicken was odd, and the tofu with chili sauce wasn't that tasty. I liked the beef entrees - one with curry I think. My favorite was the string beans with curry - yum! I love vegetables. So, I left, and although the cold almost convinced me to take the subway - I persevered and walked home - my legs tired by when I got home. But I was lazy and didn't exercise otherwise, so there you go.
Saturday - more sleeping in - yay :-). I got up earlier this time because I wanted to go out to get breakfast. But I just went in a sweatshirt because I didn't feel like showering. I had a fantastic pumpkin muffin. And discovered Snapple's low calorie juices. I love gingerbread and pumpkin things during this time of year :-). And then I decided to wander around my neighborhood. Past the art in Union Square. Down Broadway, for fun. I got a free bag of popcorn - don't know why. Then I found a Beard Papa's store, which I've been wanting to try. They are from Japan - they sell supposedly fabulous cream puffs. I got a vanilla (regular) one and I have to say, what people say is right! Flaky crust, awesome filling. Yum. Then I happened upon a street fair thing, so I bought myself a roasted corn. Haphazard lunch. Then walked by NYU and came up University to see that on the way back. I like being around students :-). Stopped for a smoothie with pomegranate juice. Yippee - food makes me happy :-). So then I went home and holed in for awhile to warm up. It wasn't raining, but still chilly. I think this is when I took my nap. I also read a lot. My place is a mausoleum like that - very interesting, but quiet and cold and you feel you shouldn't touch things much. And I've gotten a lot of bug bites lately - I'm wondering if they are from my bed because another person in the building told me someone had bed bugs, and it's really cold outside for there to be bugs there. Weird. But it's a nice challenge - not having a TV. I was pretty down that afternoon, pretty bleak. Part of the reason is because by then I'd done enough experiments to verify the recent changes to my project just weren't working. So basically I knew we weren't going to make the paper (deadline being Thursday). Another failed project. But I'm taking it pretty well. And the reason is my 2 saviors this weekend: Rishi and Sharon.
So Rishi invited me to a Divali party on Saturday night. I waited for him to call me so I could just leave my house. Didn't get called until close to 9pm. But leave, I did. And wow, did that rejuvenate me. I just NEEDED people. Needed random conversation, even if it was "What do you do?" Needed to laugh - which I did, and that surprised me for some reason. But I had fun! I joked with people, I felt welcome. I ate Rishi's friend's homemade Indian food - the good cauliflower curry thing? And I drank wine. It was just great to be out, to feel like I had friends (sorta). Her apartment was really cute. And WARM! I stayed as long as possible - we all left around 2am after some good cards - Indians like cards of course :-). We played "Asshole" and the first 3 or so rounds I was the King! So fun :-). And I talked to people about their jobs, and about living in teh city. Most peopel here don't like their jobs, btw. But I have to say, I love the Indian culture. So a bunch of people there went to high school together in India. And they just KNEW each other, were close. Joked with each other. I love that closeness, that shared experience. I love that the girl who lived there waited until after 10pm to each because that's when her best friend came. And I love the hospitality, the informality. And I love that the 2 best friends (girls) leaned on each other and stroked each other's hair - they are CLOSE, you know? Americans don't do that. Anyway - that roused me out of my stupor of talking to no one for 2 days. It felt great :-). I fell asleep happy.
And Sunday was great! I woke up (although slept in), jumped up, finished organizing my place - still hadn't hung up a lot of my clothes (they were in suitcases). Headed out to grab a bagel for breakfast. It was still cold, but a crisp, sunny day, and it felt fantastic to be out. Indeed many were out. I saw Tim Robbins on the way to get my bagel! I swear! My carpool guy said he lives in the area. I only saw him briefly walking on 5th, but that was so cool. I love him :-). Had a tasty everything bagel, although I still like Asiago cheese and blueberry-type flavors better than what they generally have here. Then hurried home to bundle up for my braved bike ride. I wanted to exercise, but the cold really makes me not want to do anything. But today I was going! I had shorts, then hiking pants over them on the bottom, and my warmest socks. I had 3 layers on top - my long-sleeved workout shirt, a sweatshirt, then a light windbreaker. I put a cheese earwarmer headband thing I got free from IBM over my head under the helmet. Then gloves - and not my fingerless bike gloves - fingered gloves. I was ready :-). And I set out (after carting my bike down 3 flights). I was actually really warm, but I still appreciated my clothes. When I stopped for a bit in the park, I was cold pretty quick. So I biked up 6th Ave, and back 5th. And on account of it being a "nice" day, there were a lot of people out, so it was tricky manuevering on real streets with a lot of shoppers and cabs. But I'm getting better at it! So I went up to Central Park and around my big loop for the first time since I left the Upper West Side. Ah it was wonderful - like coming home. The park and it's familiar sights and green trees and space just cheers me up too. And there were a bunch of trees with fall colors this time. I was surprised. Although I see BEAUTIFUL trees and colors on my way to work everyday - just gorgeous - I haven't seen much in the city. But there were some in the park. So I passed my favorite parts of the park - saw skaters at Wollman Rink, saw the Boathouse, saw the obelisk, the reservoir, the old pool (now rink too), the Harlem Meer, the tennis courts. Took the hills again. It was great :-). At the end of my loop I hopped off my bike to see the skating rink and see the bridge - my stone bridge again. I have no idea why it strikes me so, but I love it. Beautiful scenes - a bride and groom were there taking pictures. And the lake with the ducks underneath, and trees drooping over the water - trees reflected in the water in yellow - beautiful. Very nice. So, had a great ride. Almost was sad when it was over.
I got home and had a text message from Sharon asking if I wanted to go to dinner! I was very happy - another friend get together. Sharon and I have been trying to get together for awhile now, and it's always not worked out (she was out of town for a couple of weeks). So, I showered (warmed up), and took care of some stuff around the house, then went out on the town again. A really cool store that I've been wanting to check out, Anthropologie, is across the street from me. So I went in. I wasn't in a shopping mood, and boy it was good because everything in there was too expensive for me, but it was fun to look :-). Then I checked out a HUGE sports store in the area - Paragon. I'd heard of it, but sheesh! I didn't know they made stores that big in this city. Again, I wasn't in the mood to shop, but there I could've bought stuff. Like a giant Sports Authority. And you turned a random corner and you were in another huge room for a different sport. Sorta neat. Then my friend Nalini called - it was nice to talk to her. She's good to me. I miss her. After that, it was time to go meet Sharon up by Columbia for dinner. And I was hungry - had only eaten a bagel all day! So I went up there - Columbia's campus is really pretty btw. She was there - had worked all day on her paper deadline. And we did what we always do - talk about boys :-). Well, her mostly - she let's me get a word in edgewise eventually :-). But it was good to see her nonetheless - great to just have girl-talk. We ate at Tom's Restaurant, too! The diner from Seinfeld? Very funny. I had a pizza hamburger and salad. But it was fun to catch up. And she is a very different person than me, so it's fun to get her take on things. Although she's a bit crazy too :-). Anyway - good times. I felt close to her even. And we stopped at Starbucks for a hot drink on our walk home - I got a pumpkin spice latte (decaf) that was very tasty. So, fun night! And another savior :-). Went home with a smile on my face. Even got myself a piece of gingerbread for a treat (the bike ride made me hungry). Went home and did chores, but felt happy about my weekend :-). 3 cheers for friends!
Today - another Monday. I was sad to tell my colleagues about the failure to make PLDI. Sad news, but what can I do? And how many failed projects can I have? We shall see... But there is more to be done - even other things to be done. On my way home I "discovered" Whole Foods which is in Union Square. FABULOUS place really! I could eat dinner from there every night! I got some treats there, some sorta stuffed salmon and cornbread and brought them home and made a big salad to go with them. Love Whole Foods, and my proximity to it! And watched a Netflix movie. So another good night! And with that, I'll sign off. Here's thinking about ya.
I BOUGHT A TICKET TO COME BACK TO AUSTIN!! WOOHOO! I'm coming back December 5th - that's a Wednesday people. Be ready :-).
Ok, back to life. So I left off last Wednesday. Last Wednesday I went over to my friend's house - Mo, softball guy. He had gone to the hospital Tuesday and was all doped up and home sick and all, so I went to keep him company. I offered to bring food, but we ended up ordering Chinese for delivery at his place. No worries about what he had - he had gotten a cut on his neck infected, and was on antibiotics and pain meds. So yeah. So we decided to watch a movie, and he said I'd love the movie "The Doors" basically about Jim Morrison. We watched it - oh my God, it was scary! I don't know that that was the intended effect, but it scared the crap out of me. Maybe I have control issues, but how can a man be that reckless with his life? How can he abuse his body that much? Eeek - scary. Interesting movie, though.
Thursday I got bullied by Mo to go to a concert. Well, he had tickets and his friend bailed on him. I didn't feel like going, but I did. To Paul Lesh - he was part of Grateful Dead in the day. The theater (in Time Square) was really nice, and in the end I'm glad I went. It was nice music to just sit and listen to, even if you didn't know it. They did "improv rock" so I swear in their 2 hour sets, they played 5 songs in each - the songs just lasted forever. One band member would just go off on a tangent for awhile, and then they'd come back and then another would go off... crazy. The audience was interesting - older crown - 40-60 and sorta hippies. But nice :-). But I was tired and we stood for hours, so we left a little before it ended officially.
So Friday - which I count as the weekend. I slept a lot this weekend. It was very nice to sleep a lot - slept in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and napped Friday and Saturday too :-). One reason is that my TV doesn't work - never could figure it out. So my place is quiet and there's not much to do. I read a bunch too - good thing I have a good book - "Kite Runner". And I'm listening to my music more. I finally made myself leave the house on Friday around 2 I think - went out to the Union Square Farmer's Market. Very fun, as usual, but different than Saturdays which is bigger. But got vegies, which makes me happy. Including brussel sprouts to try cooking, and purple carrots, and purple cauliflower :-). And got some apple cider and cider donuts - yum. Amazing that though it was a cold, rainy day, the farmer's market always cheers me up :-). So I brought my spoils back to the apartment (a block away), and got my computer to go to a coffee shop. I got food at a cute bakery in Union Square, but had troubles with their internet. But the leek quiche was tasty :-). So I went across to Starbucks and had good internet :-). Worked there for awhile, and I hate how it's dark before 5pm these days. But it was still rainy and cold, and my experiments were just running, so I decided to go to a movie. Went and saw "Gone Baby Gone" in a theater a block away :-). Very good movie - I liked the twist and the ending. I only go to movies now that rate highly on Rotten Tomatoes. :-). So I went back to Starbucks, checked on my jobs, and then walked to "Restaurant Row" to get Indonesian food, because I'm weird. Although it was rainy and cold and the walk was probably close to 3 miles, I had fun because I talked to Mary the whole time! Halleluah for friends :-). Always nice to chat. Lifts me up a bit. It'll be interesting to go back to my house in Austin :-). So I get my Indonesian food. I'm getting used to eating alone. I get a price fixed thing where I can try like 10 things. I really loved their peanut sauce and their shrimp crispy chips. I didn't like all the entree stuff, though. The chicken was odd, and the tofu with chili sauce wasn't that tasty. I liked the beef entrees - one with curry I think. My favorite was the string beans with curry - yum! I love vegetables. So, I left, and although the cold almost convinced me to take the subway - I persevered and walked home - my legs tired by when I got home. But I was lazy and didn't exercise otherwise, so there you go.
Saturday - more sleeping in - yay :-). I got up earlier this time because I wanted to go out to get breakfast. But I just went in a sweatshirt because I didn't feel like showering. I had a fantastic pumpkin muffin. And discovered Snapple's low calorie juices. I love gingerbread and pumpkin things during this time of year :-). And then I decided to wander around my neighborhood. Past the art in Union Square. Down Broadway, for fun. I got a free bag of popcorn - don't know why. Then I found a Beard Papa's store, which I've been wanting to try. They are from Japan - they sell supposedly fabulous cream puffs. I got a vanilla (regular) one and I have to say, what people say is right! Flaky crust, awesome filling. Yum. Then I happened upon a street fair thing, so I bought myself a roasted corn. Haphazard lunch. Then walked by NYU and came up University to see that on the way back. I like being around students :-). Stopped for a smoothie with pomegranate juice. Yippee - food makes me happy :-). So then I went home and holed in for awhile to warm up. It wasn't raining, but still chilly. I think this is when I took my nap. I also read a lot. My place is a mausoleum like that - very interesting, but quiet and cold and you feel you shouldn't touch things much. And I've gotten a lot of bug bites lately - I'm wondering if they are from my bed because another person in the building told me someone had bed bugs, and it's really cold outside for there to be bugs there. Weird. But it's a nice challenge - not having a TV. I was pretty down that afternoon, pretty bleak. Part of the reason is because by then I'd done enough experiments to verify the recent changes to my project just weren't working. So basically I knew we weren't going to make the paper (deadline being Thursday). Another failed project. But I'm taking it pretty well. And the reason is my 2 saviors this weekend: Rishi and Sharon.
So Rishi invited me to a Divali party on Saturday night. I waited for him to call me so I could just leave my house. Didn't get called until close to 9pm. But leave, I did. And wow, did that rejuvenate me. I just NEEDED people. Needed random conversation, even if it was "What do you do?" Needed to laugh - which I did, and that surprised me for some reason. But I had fun! I joked with people, I felt welcome. I ate Rishi's friend's homemade Indian food - the good cauliflower curry thing? And I drank wine. It was just great to be out, to feel like I had friends (sorta). Her apartment was really cute. And WARM! I stayed as long as possible - we all left around 2am after some good cards - Indians like cards of course :-). We played "Asshole" and the first 3 or so rounds I was the King! So fun :-). And I talked to people about their jobs, and about living in teh city. Most peopel here don't like their jobs, btw. But I have to say, I love the Indian culture. So a bunch of people there went to high school together in India. And they just KNEW each other, were close. Joked with each other. I love that closeness, that shared experience. I love that the girl who lived there waited until after 10pm to each because that's when her best friend came. And I love the hospitality, the informality. And I love that the 2 best friends (girls) leaned on each other and stroked each other's hair - they are CLOSE, you know? Americans don't do that. Anyway - that roused me out of my stupor of talking to no one for 2 days. It felt great :-). I fell asleep happy.
And Sunday was great! I woke up (although slept in), jumped up, finished organizing my place - still hadn't hung up a lot of my clothes (they were in suitcases). Headed out to grab a bagel for breakfast. It was still cold, but a crisp, sunny day, and it felt fantastic to be out. Indeed many were out. I saw Tim Robbins on the way to get my bagel! I swear! My carpool guy said he lives in the area. I only saw him briefly walking on 5th, but that was so cool. I love him :-). Had a tasty everything bagel, although I still like Asiago cheese and blueberry-type flavors better than what they generally have here. Then hurried home to bundle up for my braved bike ride. I wanted to exercise, but the cold really makes me not want to do anything. But today I was going! I had shorts, then hiking pants over them on the bottom, and my warmest socks. I had 3 layers on top - my long-sleeved workout shirt, a sweatshirt, then a light windbreaker. I put a cheese earwarmer headband thing I got free from IBM over my head under the helmet. Then gloves - and not my fingerless bike gloves - fingered gloves. I was ready :-). And I set out (after carting my bike down 3 flights). I was actually really warm, but I still appreciated my clothes. When I stopped for a bit in the park, I was cold pretty quick. So I biked up 6th Ave, and back 5th. And on account of it being a "nice" day, there were a lot of people out, so it was tricky manuevering on real streets with a lot of shoppers and cabs. But I'm getting better at it! So I went up to Central Park and around my big loop for the first time since I left the Upper West Side. Ah it was wonderful - like coming home. The park and it's familiar sights and green trees and space just cheers me up too. And there were a bunch of trees with fall colors this time. I was surprised. Although I see BEAUTIFUL trees and colors on my way to work everyday - just gorgeous - I haven't seen much in the city. But there were some in the park. So I passed my favorite parts of the park - saw skaters at Wollman Rink, saw the Boathouse, saw the obelisk, the reservoir, the old pool (now rink too), the Harlem Meer, the tennis courts. Took the hills again. It was great :-). At the end of my loop I hopped off my bike to see the skating rink and see the bridge - my stone bridge again. I have no idea why it strikes me so, but I love it. Beautiful scenes - a bride and groom were there taking pictures. And the lake with the ducks underneath, and trees drooping over the water - trees reflected in the water in yellow - beautiful. Very nice. So, had a great ride. Almost was sad when it was over.
I got home and had a text message from Sharon asking if I wanted to go to dinner! I was very happy - another friend get together. Sharon and I have been trying to get together for awhile now, and it's always not worked out (she was out of town for a couple of weeks). So, I showered (warmed up), and took care of some stuff around the house, then went out on the town again. A really cool store that I've been wanting to check out, Anthropologie, is across the street from me. So I went in. I wasn't in a shopping mood, and boy it was good because everything in there was too expensive for me, but it was fun to look :-). Then I checked out a HUGE sports store in the area - Paragon. I'd heard of it, but sheesh! I didn't know they made stores that big in this city. Again, I wasn't in the mood to shop, but there I could've bought stuff. Like a giant Sports Authority. And you turned a random corner and you were in another huge room for a different sport. Sorta neat. Then my friend Nalini called - it was nice to talk to her. She's good to me. I miss her. After that, it was time to go meet Sharon up by Columbia for dinner. And I was hungry - had only eaten a bagel all day! So I went up there - Columbia's campus is really pretty btw. She was there - had worked all day on her paper deadline. And we did what we always do - talk about boys :-). Well, her mostly - she let's me get a word in edgewise eventually :-). But it was good to see her nonetheless - great to just have girl-talk. We ate at Tom's Restaurant, too! The diner from Seinfeld? Very funny. I had a pizza hamburger and salad. But it was fun to catch up. And she is a very different person than me, so it's fun to get her take on things. Although she's a bit crazy too :-). Anyway - good times. I felt close to her even. And we stopped at Starbucks for a hot drink on our walk home - I got a pumpkin spice latte (decaf) that was very tasty. So, fun night! And another savior :-). Went home with a smile on my face. Even got myself a piece of gingerbread for a treat (the bike ride made me hungry). Went home and did chores, but felt happy about my weekend :-). 3 cheers for friends!
Today - another Monday. I was sad to tell my colleagues about the failure to make PLDI. Sad news, but what can I do? And how many failed projects can I have? We shall see... But there is more to be done - even other things to be done. On my way home I "discovered" Whole Foods which is in Union Square. FABULOUS place really! I could eat dinner from there every night! I got some treats there, some sorta stuffed salmon and cornbread and brought them home and made a big salad to go with them. Love Whole Foods, and my proximity to it! And watched a Netflix movie. So another good night! And with that, I'll sign off. Here's thinking about ya.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I Don't Know How to Take it Easy on Myself
So, lots of thoughts swirling through my head, as usual.
I moved Monday. There you have it - that embodies the title of the post right there :-). Yes, why was I moving again, you ask? Because I don't know how to take it easy on myself. No, actually more because of logistics. Although I liked where I was and my roommate enjoyed me as a roommate, she's leave Nov 17 for 4 months and wants a sublettor for that whole time. So I had to vacate. Wasn't fun coming home from a weekend away and having to pack up all my belongs again - ugh. But I tried to focus on the positive - the new place is spacious, in a fabulous neighborhood (Union Square) which is where I wanted to live anyway, and the new roommate seemed like she would give me more privacy. So anyway, I go through the pain of packing things up (I just put a huge dirty clothes bag straight into 1 suitcase :-) - fun). I also went running along the water in the late morning, and tho it was 50 degrees, I went in a t-shirt and shorts. Which was perfect! I thoroughly enjoyed my run, although I wish it wasn't still difficult and made me feel slow. But I made it. Then I biked my bike to my new place (carried it down 2 flights to ride it, then up 3 to my new place). Finally when I was ready, went to my favorite coffee shop in the Village to do some work the rest of the day. Then my friend Mo came to help me move (with car) around 8:30. It was so AWESOME to have his help - wow, it just made it so much easier. Good times. He really liked my new spacious place with books and plants and arabic/african art and blankets everywhere.
So what do I do, but go out walking looking for dinner, feeling a bit lonely. And who do I run into by chance in Union Square? (I know a handful of people here, so it's not too hard to run through the list.). Rishi! He's the Indian guy - friend of Emina's that we hung out with a bit! So good to see him - right when I'm down, some little thing picks me up and shows me the world can be forgiving. Anyway, he invited me to an Indian Divali party this weekend, so I think I'm going to check that out - yippee! And though there are tons of restaurants around my new place (and stores I want to check out), I go to one I've been to (Coffee Bar) and get a Cobb Salad for dinner. And afterwards good friend Christine calls me back after her class, and we have a good chat. It's so nice to have friends who are there for you :-). Another perk me up. So I go back to my new abode, and try to organize a little. I don't know if the heat works there -it's chilly. And I never saw my roommate that night, so I had no sheets yet, so I just slept on the futon with my 1 blanket and 1 I found and using my sweatshirt as a pillow, trying to stay warm with many layers of clothing on. The place is big and quiet. But there's a huge skylight way above me, and I hear rain pattering all night.
So Tuesday - work has been frustrating, but there might've been a breakthrough. More like I can stop waiting for some piece of the project done by someone else. We'll see. Then I have to do laundry after work. So on the way home (brrr cold - a cold front's come in and it's very chilly) I pick up some excellent Thai food - green curry with eggplant :-). Get my laundry ready, and because I've waited 3 weeks, haul the heavy bags bit by bit down the street to the close laundromat. Of course I get there, and it's closing (it's 8:20pm). The close one at my old place closed at 10 so I didn't think about it. So since I need laundry done and I can't carry the heavy bags anymore, I grab a cab and pay $7 for him to take me to a laundromat a couple avenues away that's still open. Ugh. Finally doing the laundry - was pretty painless there. Wish I didn't want like 1/2 my stuff air-dried, and I could just drop it off for them to wash for me! Anyway, done at 10, about ready to grab a cab home and pay the overhead, when the laundromat itself closes and the guy offers me a ride home. Why he has a car while living on 29th and working on 15th is beyond me. Now, mind you, scenes from Law and Order flash through my head: Unknown blonde girl left dead in alley. But I had had such an annoying day so far, and this was a glimmer of help. So I took him up on his ride home, and I'm fine :-). I refused his help to carry stuff up to my apartment - thought that was prudent, but the ride was nice. Glad to have clean clothes and be back in my place and organize a bit! Although wish it were warmer... But my roommate has since made up my bed for me which is nice of her :-).
But something pissed me off - I came home (to get my laundry) and roomie had moved all my suitcases to one corner of the room. Now given I had left them sort of all over, but she had said it was my room to do what I wanted with it, and she woudln't come in at all (even though it's the living room/kitchen). That mornign she had said the exterminator was going to come the next day, and could I move my stuff a bit so he could spray. I said fine, that I'd do it after work. Then I come home and she's moved my stuff!! I'm sorry this perturbs me so, but my last roommate moved my stuff, too, and I HATE it! It's MY stuff - I don't go into your room and move your stuff around. And I can't find anything after they do this. And it's a breach of privacy in my mind... Ugh. In the end it's not a big deal... I cleaned and organized more the rest of the night, but it made me sorta mad. Oh well.
Oh yeah - and the TV doesn't work in my new place, although she said I could plug it in and get basic channels if I wanted. I dont' watch much, and I thought about trying to take a break from TV altogether while I'm there, but it's just too comforting sometimes. And I only get 2 Netflix at a time! Anyway :-). And the lady doesn't eat at home AT ALL! There are sorta cups, and I asked about bowls for cereal, but she pointed to like Chinese rice bowls. We might have a couple utensils. Fun new place :-). But it's all an adventure.
Which brings me to this: I really haven't learned how to take it easy on myself. Don't know exactly when I transitioned, but I feel like I should be challenging myself, taking the harder road, learning, pushing all the time. That's why I don't let myself stop moving. Gotta do all there is to do in New York - enjoy it all and see it all (not really - it's impossible). Gotta try every ethnicity, and visit neighboring cities while I'm here (although I gave myself a break on Niagra). Gotta walk everywhere and not take cabs. Gotta save money. Gotta work out 5-6 times a week. All these gottas. Even my relationship, in retrospect, was a challenge. The whole adage "it should be easy". Maybe? It's not that straight-forward all the time. Feelings are tricky, and all relationships take work. But of course I picked a person to fall in love with who has this challenging personality - this way of communicating that is hard to understand and seems harsh to my personality. Both strong-willed too. Always a challenge. So are me and my expectations for myself. Not sure why I fight so much. Not sure why I insist. I do a lot of travelling, which is usually not the easiest thing in the world (tiring). But you see, a lot of these things have benefit, give happiness back. And that's definitely worth it. But you gotta do the analysis (me being so analytical). Exercise, I feel, gives great payback, so I fight for it. Travel can give great payback, but it gets exhausting. Depends on what it's for. So see - I've realized (and said before) that people matter to me the most. I fight so hard, and I need to reward myself sometimes. And besides through sweets (which have guilt all their own), my happiest reward to myself is through people - feeling love. I traveled to Illinois so much in the past because even though it was disruptive, uprooting, chaotic, and inconvenient, it brought me to the 1 person who could just give me such joy (and seeing auxilary people up in Illinois). That was my reward. And somehow with him I felt I could just totally relax. There's that theme again of being able to relax around people who really know you. Anyway... I think in New York I'm growing more tired of the challenge, because there is less reward. Don't get me wrong - there is reward. I see acts of kindness, especially from the few friends I have, and they mean so much to me! But it's never entirely relaxing, never entirely rewarding. Need more love :-). I can travel to Philadelphia and see the city and love the walking around, and love experiencing history, and get some reward for seeing a new place, trying a new food. But it's not as great as the reward of experiencing it with people I love, and who love me.
ADDITION: But I do have hope. And I am really proud of myself for doing the challenging thing. I feel like I'm a better person for it. I HAVE learned a lot! And experienced a lot. And I'm grateful (greatful?). Go me :-).
So there's my analysis, doc. Anyone have ideas, though, on how else to take it easy on myself? Change my expectations? Right :-). 4 weeks folks...
I moved Monday. There you have it - that embodies the title of the post right there :-). Yes, why was I moving again, you ask? Because I don't know how to take it easy on myself. No, actually more because of logistics. Although I liked where I was and my roommate enjoyed me as a roommate, she's leave Nov 17 for 4 months and wants a sublettor for that whole time. So I had to vacate. Wasn't fun coming home from a weekend away and having to pack up all my belongs again - ugh. But I tried to focus on the positive - the new place is spacious, in a fabulous neighborhood (Union Square) which is where I wanted to live anyway, and the new roommate seemed like she would give me more privacy. So anyway, I go through the pain of packing things up (I just put a huge dirty clothes bag straight into 1 suitcase :-) - fun). I also went running along the water in the late morning, and tho it was 50 degrees, I went in a t-shirt and shorts. Which was perfect! I thoroughly enjoyed my run, although I wish it wasn't still difficult and made me feel slow. But I made it. Then I biked my bike to my new place (carried it down 2 flights to ride it, then up 3 to my new place). Finally when I was ready, went to my favorite coffee shop in the Village to do some work the rest of the day. Then my friend Mo came to help me move (with car) around 8:30. It was so AWESOME to have his help - wow, it just made it so much easier. Good times. He really liked my new spacious place with books and plants and arabic/african art and blankets everywhere.
So what do I do, but go out walking looking for dinner, feeling a bit lonely. And who do I run into by chance in Union Square? (I know a handful of people here, so it's not too hard to run through the list.). Rishi! He's the Indian guy - friend of Emina's that we hung out with a bit! So good to see him - right when I'm down, some little thing picks me up and shows me the world can be forgiving. Anyway, he invited me to an Indian Divali party this weekend, so I think I'm going to check that out - yippee! And though there are tons of restaurants around my new place (and stores I want to check out), I go to one I've been to (Coffee Bar) and get a Cobb Salad for dinner. And afterwards good friend Christine calls me back after her class, and we have a good chat. It's so nice to have friends who are there for you :-). Another perk me up. So I go back to my new abode, and try to organize a little. I don't know if the heat works there -it's chilly. And I never saw my roommate that night, so I had no sheets yet, so I just slept on the futon with my 1 blanket and 1 I found and using my sweatshirt as a pillow, trying to stay warm with many layers of clothing on. The place is big and quiet. But there's a huge skylight way above me, and I hear rain pattering all night.
So Tuesday - work has been frustrating, but there might've been a breakthrough. More like I can stop waiting for some piece of the project done by someone else. We'll see. Then I have to do laundry after work. So on the way home (brrr cold - a cold front's come in and it's very chilly) I pick up some excellent Thai food - green curry with eggplant :-). Get my laundry ready, and because I've waited 3 weeks, haul the heavy bags bit by bit down the street to the close laundromat. Of course I get there, and it's closing (it's 8:20pm). The close one at my old place closed at 10 so I didn't think about it. So since I need laundry done and I can't carry the heavy bags anymore, I grab a cab and pay $7 for him to take me to a laundromat a couple avenues away that's still open. Ugh. Finally doing the laundry - was pretty painless there. Wish I didn't want like 1/2 my stuff air-dried, and I could just drop it off for them to wash for me! Anyway, done at 10, about ready to grab a cab home and pay the overhead, when the laundromat itself closes and the guy offers me a ride home. Why he has a car while living on 29th and working on 15th is beyond me. Now, mind you, scenes from Law and Order flash through my head: Unknown blonde girl left dead in alley. But I had had such an annoying day so far, and this was a glimmer of help. So I took him up on his ride home, and I'm fine :-). I refused his help to carry stuff up to my apartment - thought that was prudent, but the ride was nice. Glad to have clean clothes and be back in my place and organize a bit! Although wish it were warmer... But my roommate has since made up my bed for me which is nice of her :-).
But something pissed me off - I came home (to get my laundry) and roomie had moved all my suitcases to one corner of the room. Now given I had left them sort of all over, but she had said it was my room to do what I wanted with it, and she woudln't come in at all (even though it's the living room/kitchen). That mornign she had said the exterminator was going to come the next day, and could I move my stuff a bit so he could spray. I said fine, that I'd do it after work. Then I come home and she's moved my stuff!! I'm sorry this perturbs me so, but my last roommate moved my stuff, too, and I HATE it! It's MY stuff - I don't go into your room and move your stuff around. And I can't find anything after they do this. And it's a breach of privacy in my mind... Ugh. In the end it's not a big deal... I cleaned and organized more the rest of the night, but it made me sorta mad. Oh well.
Oh yeah - and the TV doesn't work in my new place, although she said I could plug it in and get basic channels if I wanted. I dont' watch much, and I thought about trying to take a break from TV altogether while I'm there, but it's just too comforting sometimes. And I only get 2 Netflix at a time! Anyway :-). And the lady doesn't eat at home AT ALL! There are sorta cups, and I asked about bowls for cereal, but she pointed to like Chinese rice bowls. We might have a couple utensils. Fun new place :-). But it's all an adventure.
Which brings me to this: I really haven't learned how to take it easy on myself. Don't know exactly when I transitioned, but I feel like I should be challenging myself, taking the harder road, learning, pushing all the time. That's why I don't let myself stop moving. Gotta do all there is to do in New York - enjoy it all and see it all (not really - it's impossible). Gotta try every ethnicity, and visit neighboring cities while I'm here (although I gave myself a break on Niagra). Gotta walk everywhere and not take cabs. Gotta save money. Gotta work out 5-6 times a week. All these gottas. Even my relationship, in retrospect, was a challenge. The whole adage "it should be easy". Maybe? It's not that straight-forward all the time. Feelings are tricky, and all relationships take work. But of course I picked a person to fall in love with who has this challenging personality - this way of communicating that is hard to understand and seems harsh to my personality. Both strong-willed too. Always a challenge. So are me and my expectations for myself. Not sure why I fight so much. Not sure why I insist. I do a lot of travelling, which is usually not the easiest thing in the world (tiring). But you see, a lot of these things have benefit, give happiness back. And that's definitely worth it. But you gotta do the analysis (me being so analytical). Exercise, I feel, gives great payback, so I fight for it. Travel can give great payback, but it gets exhausting. Depends on what it's for. So see - I've realized (and said before) that people matter to me the most. I fight so hard, and I need to reward myself sometimes. And besides through sweets (which have guilt all their own), my happiest reward to myself is through people - feeling love. I traveled to Illinois so much in the past because even though it was disruptive, uprooting, chaotic, and inconvenient, it brought me to the 1 person who could just give me such joy (and seeing auxilary people up in Illinois). That was my reward. And somehow with him I felt I could just totally relax. There's that theme again of being able to relax around people who really know you. Anyway... I think in New York I'm growing more tired of the challenge, because there is less reward. Don't get me wrong - there is reward. I see acts of kindness, especially from the few friends I have, and they mean so much to me! But it's never entirely relaxing, never entirely rewarding. Need more love :-). I can travel to Philadelphia and see the city and love the walking around, and love experiencing history, and get some reward for seeing a new place, trying a new food. But it's not as great as the reward of experiencing it with people I love, and who love me.
ADDITION: But I do have hope. And I am really proud of myself for doing the challenging thing. I feel like I'm a better person for it. I HAVE learned a lot! And experienced a lot. And I'm grateful (greatful?). Go me :-).
So there's my analysis, doc. Anyone have ideas, though, on how else to take it easy on myself? Change my expectations? Right :-). 4 weeks folks...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Weekend in Maryland and Philadelphia
[Posted 2 at once, so look for previous post on Halloween.]
So I had to walk to the subway, then take the subway, then walk again - took longer than I thought. And I went to some random street corner in Chinatown to catch my cheap bus. These ladies were standing there going "You want bus - hurry get on now." Literally just a bus on a corner - I gave them $20 to go to Baltimore, and they ushered me on the bus and told me it was leaving soon. Instead it was pretty full already and it left 15 minutes before I thought it was scheduled to leave. I was really hoping it'd actually stop in Baltimore because it was the bus to DC. So I wrote emails, wrote blog, read a paper, and slept my 3.5 hours away, and suddenly we were in Baltimore and they just dropped us at a random street corner there too! How strange. I waited in a McDonalds for Christine (we were early), and then she was there! It was great talking and catching up with her. We are best friends, and she just KNOWS me and there's so much comfort in that. And as she said "Jenn, we are the same." Twins separated at birth, I said :-). Except her curly hair is dark... Anyway, it was fun to talk. We went home and waiting for her husband Jeff to come home, then went to dinner in very cute downtown Annapolis at Buddy's Ribs and Crabs. Yum - Maryland crab cakes :-). Then on Christine's behest we baked a triple chocolate fudge cake for the following day. We never could figure out the 3rd chocolate (it had chips in it). It was fun :-). Felt very domestic. Then we watched a movie - I took forever to look through their movie collection and pick, but we watched "The Sum of All Fears" which was really good. Christine fell asleep, but I made it :-).
We had a late night that night, and then I had to check on work stuff at the end, so I slept in until 11:30 on Saturday morning. :-). It was great sleep though! Something about suburbia and darkness, and a comfortable spacious room, and warmth, no noise = good sleep. Was nice to do that, although I felt a little bad that it limited what we did for the day. But I finally got ready and we left to get a very delicious Lebanese lunch (which Christine and I love but Jeff doesn't). I got lamb fatteh which has lamb chunks, chick peas, pine nuts, and pita chips all in a yogurt sauce - tasty. And they made their own fresh wheat pitas which were awesome. I enjoyed our chat about Harry Potter and the failures of the 1-3 Star Wars movies. Then we had a great conversation about the perils of grad school on the way to Christine's football game. So Jeff and I watched her play touch football which was really fun! Just hanging out - it was slightly chilly, but the sun was out. We cheered them on, and Christine scored 3 out of their 4 touchdowns! Rock! Fun to encourage the team, and because I had my camera it was requested that I take the group picture too :-). They played well - fun times. And btw, they have some beautiful fall colors on trees around here too! Then we went back to Christine's house to meet up with friends for dinner. Amy and Ryan who had come up to NYC for Wicked came, and Amy's husband. We went out for a nice dinner at "Four Seasons Grill". They had a really good menu where I wanted to try many things. We got this shrimp appetizer with spicy sauce over zucchini which was good. Then I got scallop ginger risotto (almost got veal scallopini instead). It was very tasty, although I've had better risotto. But it was fun to hang out with everybody. It strikes me that I was not in New York. For one, a lot of conversation is about the government and politics and campaigns (Amy's husband does campaigning down here). For another, we drive everywhere - everything is spread out and there's more suburbia and lots of large strip malls. It's what I grew up in, and it is slightly soothing. I think a lot of the way New York is is based on the limited space there, and the premium for space. Things are closer together, shops are smaller, you can walk more places, etc. Different. But anyway - we had a nice dinner, then went back to Christine's and hung out and had cake. Did I mention I ate too many sweets at Christine's? It was too tempting - she had a bag of leftover Halloween candy too :-). But the cake was delicious - I actually liked the white cream cheese frosting better than the chocolate. Christine had frosted it in a checker pattern :-). Fun. Then the friends left. They are really nice people. I kept thinking that I felt really comfortable there - like these are "my kind of people". That's a nice feeling; comforting. I told Christine maybe I should move close to her because it'd be fun. I want to encourage her to do a triathlon and that would be easier if we could train together! But yeah, good times. So we watched another movie - put in Star Trek #6. But this time I quickly fell asleep :-). Christine fell asleep too, though!
So we got an extra hour of sleep - yay! And I actually had to pay attention to daylight savings because I had to catch a 8:48am train to Philadelphia! So I was sad to leave - short visit with Christine, but still a quality one. Always fun. Good friends :-). I wanted her to come to Philly with me, but she had homework to do. So now - off to Philly!
So let me just say - do what I say, not what I do. I don't recommend anyone actually walk around Philly for the whole day with a backpack, purse, coat, and rolly weekend bag (with laptop) to carry the whole time. It's exhausting! But I made it :-). Good adventures. So took Amtrack up to the city, then metro to get to the Independence Hall area. Went and picked up tickets for the Independence Hall tour, then walked over to see a Quaker meeting house and Ben Franklin's grave. Wow, was Ben Franklin a really influential man! I'm impressed by him. Did you know he was basically our first ambassador to France and got us a lot of money from them for the American Revolution? And he also had severe gout? And little education? Awesome :-). Anyway, went through and saw the Liberty Bell. Love it's symbolism - they used it as a symbol against slavery even. But the actual bell is smaller than I thought. Then went to my tour of the building where the Declaration of Independence was written and the Constitution was signed. Crazy that it all started in these small rooms where 13 men came to meet. Saw the tomb of the unknown soldier, saw a court house and the philosopher's house. Saw some old merchant's house and a trading house. Then found the City Tavern - ah, one of my favorites :-). I needed food, and it was a historic relic too! All the waiters were wearing colonial garb, and most of their foods were ala that time - stews and duck and all. I had a cool beer sampler with 4 beers: George Washington Tavern Porter, Thomas Jefferson's 1774 Tavern Ale, Poor Richard's Ale (my favorite - not hoppy and like molasses), and Philadelphia Pale Ale. Then I got a pepperpot soup with beef and taro and greens. And a bread plate - which I loved. The bread was awesome - one piece was made with molasses, and another were little dense circles of bread with nuts that they saw was T Jefferson's recipe for sweet bread or something. Tasty :-).
So after putting some good stuff in my tummy, I sauntered over and saw the water. Then walked up to see Elfrath's Alley where they had preserved 18th Century houses and the narrow street with cobblestones. They were all different colors and very close together and cute. They all had their own sort of symbol or crest posted on them. Quaint! Then I went through Betsy Ross's house - only thing I actually paid for. It was cute and the people were nice. Can't believe she operated in such small quarters! And in secret... Then went through Ben Franklin court where his house used to be and he owned a lot of merchant/rental houses. Then back to Independence Square where I saw the first and second banks of the US, and the Carpenter's Hall which was big back during revolutionary time. So yeah - I covered all the historical buildings pretty much :-). Then decided to head out of historical old downtown and go west. Walked along Market Street until I hit City Hall which is a massive, ornate building in the middle of the city. There was a very beautifully carved Masonic Temple on a corner there, and on another corner was Love Park. That's where - if you've heard of it - a famous sculptor did a "Love" scuplture - just with the word itself. It's famous - looks like:
(with the O tipped). I've seen it on stamps and stuff. So, that was neat. Then I walked over (via some shopping streets) to Rittenhouse Square which a friend had told me was a cute area. It probably would've been except with daylight savings I got there around 5:15 and it was already dark! So not a lot going on in this park, but it was nice. So I had walked basically from almost 0 (the river) to almost 19th - across the whole city! And then I wanted to go get a Philly cheesesteak from this place on 4th street, so I walked down to South Street and over back to 4th! Lots of walking - exhausting :-). But as I got closer to 4th, there were a lot of funky stores along South Street that were fun to see - restaurants and clothing stores and bars and lots of young people :-). I finally made it to my Philly cheesesteak place (Jim's) and thought I could finally rest. Well, I stood in line for like 20 minutes to get a cheesesteak! Place was crowded - locals liked it I heard. But chatted a bit with the people around me (remarkable how a Texas sweatshirt will start conversations) in line. Anyway, finally got my cheesesteak - I chose American cheese NOT Cheese Whiz. Don't know if that's cheating, but who likes Cheese Whiz? It's like plastic! And then I got onions and red peppers and mushrooms - yum :-). Decided just to take it to go and grabbed a cab (finally no walking!) to Chinatown to grab my bus. I just didn't want to wait a whole hour for the next bus to leave - wanted to catch the 7pm bus. Which I made it for, however, it was late and departure was pushed back to 7:30 so it didn't matter. But when I did finally get the bus stuff settled, I wolfed down my Philly cheesesteak and boy was it tasty! Yay :-). Food makes me quite happy. So all in all a great day in Philly! I think I experienced A TON in a small amount of time. I got here around 10:20 am and adventured until 7pm while carrying all my stuff. I'm pretty impressed with myself :-). Now I'm on the 2.5 hour bus ride back to NY and happy to be sitting. Who can beat a $10 bus ride back?!
Ok, this is really long - better sign off. Tomorrow: moving to Union Square area. I'm sad to do this because my roommate and I were becoming friends and I'll miss her, and my neighborhood. Plus moving is never fun, but it'll be my last in NYC! And after that I hope I have a lower key life for awhile! Jenn out.
P.S. I hurt the back of my knee ligament while biking last night - feels strained. Boo :-(. Walking all day didn't particularly help it...
So I had to walk to the subway, then take the subway, then walk again - took longer than I thought. And I went to some random street corner in Chinatown to catch my cheap bus. These ladies were standing there going "You want bus - hurry get on now." Literally just a bus on a corner - I gave them $20 to go to Baltimore, and they ushered me on the bus and told me it was leaving soon. Instead it was pretty full already and it left 15 minutes before I thought it was scheduled to leave. I was really hoping it'd actually stop in Baltimore because it was the bus to DC. So I wrote emails, wrote blog, read a paper, and slept my 3.5 hours away, and suddenly we were in Baltimore and they just dropped us at a random street corner there too! How strange. I waited in a McDonalds for Christine (we were early), and then she was there! It was great talking and catching up with her. We are best friends, and she just KNOWS me and there's so much comfort in that. And as she said "Jenn, we are the same." Twins separated at birth, I said :-). Except her curly hair is dark... Anyway, it was fun to talk. We went home and waiting for her husband Jeff to come home, then went to dinner in very cute downtown Annapolis at Buddy's Ribs and Crabs. Yum - Maryland crab cakes :-). Then on Christine's behest we baked a triple chocolate fudge cake for the following day. We never could figure out the 3rd chocolate (it had chips in it). It was fun :-). Felt very domestic. Then we watched a movie - I took forever to look through their movie collection and pick, but we watched "The Sum of All Fears" which was really good. Christine fell asleep, but I made it :-).
We had a late night that night, and then I had to check on work stuff at the end, so I slept in until 11:30 on Saturday morning. :-). It was great sleep though! Something about suburbia and darkness, and a comfortable spacious room, and warmth, no noise = good sleep. Was nice to do that, although I felt a little bad that it limited what we did for the day. But I finally got ready and we left to get a very delicious Lebanese lunch (which Christine and I love but Jeff doesn't). I got lamb fatteh which has lamb chunks, chick peas, pine nuts, and pita chips all in a yogurt sauce - tasty. And they made their own fresh wheat pitas which were awesome. I enjoyed our chat about Harry Potter and the failures of the 1-3 Star Wars movies. Then we had a great conversation about the perils of grad school on the way to Christine's football game. So Jeff and I watched her play touch football which was really fun! Just hanging out - it was slightly chilly, but the sun was out. We cheered them on, and Christine scored 3 out of their 4 touchdowns! Rock! Fun to encourage the team, and because I had my camera it was requested that I take the group picture too :-). They played well - fun times. And btw, they have some beautiful fall colors on trees around here too! Then we went back to Christine's house to meet up with friends for dinner. Amy and Ryan who had come up to NYC for Wicked came, and Amy's husband. We went out for a nice dinner at "Four Seasons Grill". They had a really good menu where I wanted to try many things. We got this shrimp appetizer with spicy sauce over zucchini which was good. Then I got scallop ginger risotto (almost got veal scallopini instead). It was very tasty, although I've had better risotto. But it was fun to hang out with everybody. It strikes me that I was not in New York. For one, a lot of conversation is about the government and politics and campaigns (Amy's husband does campaigning down here). For another, we drive everywhere - everything is spread out and there's more suburbia and lots of large strip malls. It's what I grew up in, and it is slightly soothing. I think a lot of the way New York is is based on the limited space there, and the premium for space. Things are closer together, shops are smaller, you can walk more places, etc. Different. But anyway - we had a nice dinner, then went back to Christine's and hung out and had cake. Did I mention I ate too many sweets at Christine's? It was too tempting - she had a bag of leftover Halloween candy too :-). But the cake was delicious - I actually liked the white cream cheese frosting better than the chocolate. Christine had frosted it in a checker pattern :-). Fun. Then the friends left. They are really nice people. I kept thinking that I felt really comfortable there - like these are "my kind of people". That's a nice feeling; comforting. I told Christine maybe I should move close to her because it'd be fun. I want to encourage her to do a triathlon and that would be easier if we could train together! But yeah, good times. So we watched another movie - put in Star Trek #6. But this time I quickly fell asleep :-). Christine fell asleep too, though!
So we got an extra hour of sleep - yay! And I actually had to pay attention to daylight savings because I had to catch a 8:48am train to Philadelphia! So I was sad to leave - short visit with Christine, but still a quality one. Always fun. Good friends :-). I wanted her to come to Philly with me, but she had homework to do. So now - off to Philly!
So let me just say - do what I say, not what I do. I don't recommend anyone actually walk around Philly for the whole day with a backpack, purse, coat, and rolly weekend bag (with laptop) to carry the whole time. It's exhausting! But I made it :-). Good adventures. So took Amtrack up to the city, then metro to get to the Independence Hall area. Went and picked up tickets for the Independence Hall tour, then walked over to see a Quaker meeting house and Ben Franklin's grave. Wow, was Ben Franklin a really influential man! I'm impressed by him. Did you know he was basically our first ambassador to France and got us a lot of money from them for the American Revolution? And he also had severe gout? And little education? Awesome :-). Anyway, went through and saw the Liberty Bell. Love it's symbolism - they used it as a symbol against slavery even. But the actual bell is smaller than I thought. Then went to my tour of the building where the Declaration of Independence was written and the Constitution was signed. Crazy that it all started in these small rooms where 13 men came to meet. Saw the tomb of the unknown soldier, saw a court house and the philosopher's house. Saw some old merchant's house and a trading house. Then found the City Tavern - ah, one of my favorites :-). I needed food, and it was a historic relic too! All the waiters were wearing colonial garb, and most of their foods were ala that time - stews and duck and all. I had a cool beer sampler with 4 beers: George Washington Tavern Porter, Thomas Jefferson's 1774 Tavern Ale, Poor Richard's Ale (my favorite - not hoppy and like molasses), and Philadelphia Pale Ale. Then I got a pepperpot soup with beef and taro and greens. And a bread plate - which I loved. The bread was awesome - one piece was made with molasses, and another were little dense circles of bread with nuts that they saw was T Jefferson's recipe for sweet bread or something. Tasty :-).
So after putting some good stuff in my tummy, I sauntered over and saw the water. Then walked up to see Elfrath's Alley where they had preserved 18th Century houses and the narrow street with cobblestones. They were all different colors and very close together and cute. They all had their own sort of symbol or crest posted on them. Quaint! Then I went through Betsy Ross's house - only thing I actually paid for. It was cute and the people were nice. Can't believe she operated in such small quarters! And in secret... Then went through Ben Franklin court where his house used to be and he owned a lot of merchant/rental houses. Then back to Independence Square where I saw the first and second banks of the US, and the Carpenter's Hall which was big back during revolutionary time. So yeah - I covered all the historical buildings pretty much :-). Then decided to head out of historical old downtown and go west. Walked along Market Street until I hit City Hall which is a massive, ornate building in the middle of the city. There was a very beautifully carved Masonic Temple on a corner there, and on another corner was Love Park. That's where - if you've heard of it - a famous sculptor did a "Love" scuplture - just with the word itself. It's famous - looks like:
(with the O tipped). I've seen it on stamps and stuff. So, that was neat. Then I walked over (via some shopping streets) to Rittenhouse Square which a friend had told me was a cute area. It probably would've been except with daylight savings I got there around 5:15 and it was already dark! So not a lot going on in this park, but it was nice. So I had walked basically from almost 0 (the river) to almost 19th - across the whole city! And then I wanted to go get a Philly cheesesteak from this place on 4th street, so I walked down to South Street and over back to 4th! Lots of walking - exhausting :-). But as I got closer to 4th, there were a lot of funky stores along South Street that were fun to see - restaurants and clothing stores and bars and lots of young people :-). I finally made it to my Philly cheesesteak place (Jim's) and thought I could finally rest. Well, I stood in line for like 20 minutes to get a cheesesteak! Place was crowded - locals liked it I heard. But chatted a bit with the people around me (remarkable how a Texas sweatshirt will start conversations) in line. Anyway, finally got my cheesesteak - I chose American cheese NOT Cheese Whiz. Don't know if that's cheating, but who likes Cheese Whiz? It's like plastic! And then I got onions and red peppers and mushrooms - yum :-). Decided just to take it to go and grabbed a cab (finally no walking!) to Chinatown to grab my bus. I just didn't want to wait a whole hour for the next bus to leave - wanted to catch the 7pm bus. Which I made it for, however, it was late and departure was pushed back to 7:30 so it didn't matter. But when I did finally get the bus stuff settled, I wolfed down my Philly cheesesteak and boy was it tasty! Yay :-). Food makes me quite happy. So all in all a great day in Philly! I think I experienced A TON in a small amount of time. I got here around 10:20 am and adventured until 7pm while carrying all my stuff. I'm pretty impressed with myself :-). Now I'm on the 2.5 hour bus ride back to NY and happy to be sitting. Who can beat a $10 bus ride back?!
Ok, this is really long - better sign off. Tomorrow: moving to Union Square area. I'm sad to do this because my roommate and I were becoming friends and I'll miss her, and my neighborhood. Plus moving is never fun, but it'll be my last in NYC! And after that I hope I have a lower key life for awhile! Jenn out.
P.S. I hurt the back of my knee ligament while biking last night - feels strained. Boo :-(. Walking all day didn't particularly help it...
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